

"🥊 Welcome to the official fanpage of Andrew Tate! 🏆 Join us in celebrating the multifaceted journey of a true champion. Andrew Tate is a world-renowned kickboxing champion, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and social media influencer. With an unyielding spirit and a winning mindset, he has conquered the world of combat sports and continues to inspire individuals worldwide. Follow along as we explore Andrew's victorious moments in the ring, his insights on success and self-improvement, and his fearless approach to life. From knockout punches to powerful words of wisdom, this fanpage is dedicated to sharing the energy and motivation that Andrew brings to every endeavor. Stay updated on his latest ventures, empowering messages, and impactful projects. Like, comment, and share to be a part of the journey and connect with fellow fans who admire Andrew's determination and drive. 👊 Let's champion life together with Andrew Tate! 👑"

Evershed & Emery


The Conscious Evolution Teachings: Our work differs from those truth tellers that reveal astounding discoveries and then just leave you in a state of anxiety, rocking under the table with no solace in sight! Anyone who has parsed the astounding numbers of missing children or seen pictures of the once majestic Empire of Tartaria lying in ruins will know what I mean. We merge our studies of our Galactic history and science with the truths we reveal today. We have found the ultimate measuring stick of pure truth! There is no higher measure than the source of Pure Consciousness revealed! Our new-found angle of action seamlessly slots everything into perspective. Instead of reeling in disgust from some new heinous exposure of our perpetrators, you can now digest it and know that humanity is going to be alright, not just okay, but thrive! No more throwing up! We HAD to know the horrible truth of our history in order to evolve. Our revelations about the truth of our recent history all fall into place and provide a context for life right now in its myriad of states on this planet. Knowing the real truth of our distant past serves to help transition us readily to leave the old 3D paradigm and head for the fifth, well prepared and full of delight at the New Earth that awaits us!

Universidade Libertária


Canal Libertário feito para ser um Think Tank libertário brasileiro e renovar a cena. A Universidade Libertária é formada por um grupo de pessoas que dividem os mesmos valores éticos e compartilham do interesse de divulgar os ideais libertários. O nosso site, além de um local onde postamos artigos de forma gratuita, também disponibilizamos cursos grátis e pagos sobre os mais diversos assuntos. Junte-se a nós na busca por uma sociedade livre e justa, onde a sua propriedade privada e seu direito individual são verdadeiramente respeitados.

Rediscovery Channel


Welcome to the Rediscovery Channel where three armchair historians set out on a quest to (re)discover history. Each week one of us tells the other a story from history that the other may or may not have heard off. Why? Because history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. And in order to understand where we're going, it is imperative to know where we came from. And since history is written by the victors, all the more reason to have a closer look at the forgotten, the curious, and the neglected stories. About the contributors: -Stilger is a polyglot who enjoys learning new languages and has always had an interest in history. At present, Stilgar is fluent in Dutch, English, German, but with more languages in progress. -Ivor Kovac was educated in history, and has a natural longstanding interest in history and mythology, with a focus on how culture affects history and vice versa. -Great Pharoah serves as a deacon in his church, which involves leading worship in both English and Coptic. He teaches classes, as well as worship, and knows a good deal of early church history.

Learn Every Hymn With Rev Kaspar ( Lutheran Service Book ) Verified


Music Education Outreach Ministry of Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church & Preschool, La Grange, TX; providing educational tools and modelling only the minimum unique stanzas of each hymn, hymns used by permission: LSB Hymn License no. 110005160; other copyrighted materials are used within the bounds of “fair use” as defined by US Copyright Code, Chapter 1, Section 107: this use is strictly educational and is intended to increase realized market potential for the copyright holder.