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Valorant Live || RankPush in Singapore Server || TheDraczShow


Hey Wassup Guys 😄 Welcome to TheDraczShow You can watch the live streams to have fun and lots of laughter. Today, we're going to try hard as usual. OG Rank: Gold 1(VALORANT) Daily Stream Timings: 10 pm to thoda late and 3 pm Thankyou for supporting me and I hope you'll help me reach some milestones. I'll Meet You in the next Stream. Till Then Good Bye !!!! #valorant #valorantlive #valorantclips #valorantindia #valorantmontage #valorantforyou #dailylive #gold1

Zprávy z Galaxie - Oraa Nataru Shari


Záložní kanál Vytvářím překlady a české titulky k videím zahraničních autorů - E. Danaan, Dr.M.Salla, A. Collier, I.Peréz, M. Jaco a další + naučné programy, dějiny planety Země a původu lidstva; technologie, rozhovory s hosty na témata o původu lidstva, skutečné historie, zásadní mezníky v dějinách zatajené lidstvu, tajné vojenské a vesmírné programy (SS), MILAB, 20&zpět, kolonie na Marsu, rozhovory se supervojáky a způsoby poznání sama sebe i zlepšení kvality života, 😀 Email: Příspěvek na tvorbu videí: 177251630 / 0600 IBAN: CZ58 0600 0000 0001 7725 1630 BIC (SWIFT kód): AGBACZPP Všem upřímně děkuji za nádherné vzkazy a sdílení vašich příběhů ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Suomi YAHUSHUALLE – AITOJA Lopunajan Profetioita

11 Followers Pelastusrukous: "4. huhtikuuta 1994 ALEPH & TAV AMIGHTYWIND RUACH HA KODESH HOLY FIRE Last Chance -palvelutyö synnytettiin verkossa apostoli, profeetta Elisheva Eliyahun kautta. Yli 30 vuoden ajan tämä messiaanis-juutalais-helluntailainen palvelutyö on julistanut YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'N evankeliumia ja tuonut miljoonia sieluja YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'LLE, JOKA on TIE, TOTUUS ja ELÄMÄ (Joh. 14:6). YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH on AINOA NIMI, jonka kautta pelastuu – parannuksenteon ja synneistään pois kääntymisen kautta (Ap. t. 4:12). Me emme ole 'kerran pelastunut, aina pelastunut' -tyyppinen palvelutyö. Sillä YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH sanoo: 'Miksi te sanotte MINULLE: "HERRA, HERRA!" ettekä tottele MINUA?' (Luuk. 6:46) Ja että jos rakastamme HÄNTÄ, meidän täytyy pitää HÄNEN käskynsä (Joh. 14:15)."

MikuruX [Vtuber - Anime Toshokan]


The Official Vtuber Channel of Anime Toshokan's Founder "We've Been Waiting For You!" :: RULES :: 1. No NSFW content, including nudity, links or pics of violence, gore, hate crimes, racism or sexism. Don't try to be lewd in the chat, it's hella uncomfortable! 2. Banter is fine, but if someone tells you to stop, you stop. Don't create drama. 3. Listen to the mods or we will ban or time you out right away (whenever I get some). 4. During gaming streams, don't ask to join in. I'll indicate when it's alright to do so. 5. No roleplaying (RP)....this isn't 1997 chat, yo. 6. This is an English chat only channel. Please respect my wishes on this part. 7. Don't continue to nag me to do certain things or play certain games. 8. Don't spam the chat. Includes hitting 'enter' after typing a 1-3 word multiple times. 9. This isn't a family friendly channel & community I run so if your one of those types that gets their feelings hurt really easily, I suggest you go elsewhere. 10. If you've made it here and are comfortable with my rules, HAVE FUN AND ENJOY THE SHOW.



Welcome to Daily Crush! Have you ever wanted to see what happens to things as they are crushed?! On this channel we will test the limits of everyday items against our hydraulic press and see how they CRUSH under the pressure! Every day we will crush various things from food to toys to name it, we will press it, crush it, and destroy it! Be sure to subscribe for new crushing videos every single day! And leave us a comment on what items you would like to see us crush! Keep PRESSING on!