John H. Tanton video collection


John H. Tanton, M.D. was publisher of The Social Contract, and served as editor for its first 8 years. He was a retired eye surgeon whose boyhood on a farm made him into an ardent conservationist and advocate for the environment. John's conviction that continued human population growth was a large part of the conservation problem led him to chair the National Sierra Club Population Committee (1971-74), and to the national board of Zero Population Growth (1973-78, including a term as president from 1975-77). In 1979, as immigration grew to be the significant part of the U.S. population problem, John Tanton founded FAIR to address mass immigration reform. John is the author of numerous articles, editorials and opinion pieces, many of which can be found by searching under John Tanton in The Social Contract archives. Learn more about John Tanton at Learn more about The Social Contract at