In the realm of the uncanny and the inexplicable, true and scary stories...


In the realm of the uncanny and the inexplicable, true and scary stories have long held the power to captivate and terrify us. These chilling tales are drawn from the annals of real people's memories, revealing the thin veil that separates our everyday world from the enigmatic and the eerie. From haunted houses to encounters with the paranormal, these stories leave an indelible mark on our psyche, forcing us to reconsider the boundaries of reality.



《阳谋论》系列节目,是由明轩工作室推出的一档专门讨论世界背后的隐藏力量-神秘家族(也称为"沼泽地")节目。 它将用公开、可查证的信息,带你认识控制世界的沼泽地家族 - 如罗斯柴尔德家族、摩根家族、洛克菲勒家族、科赫家族、玛氏家族等 - 提升认知,以更高的视角来了解世界游戏的真正规则。 以下是往期盖特直播的原始链接: 第1期 红色药丸与蓝色药丸 第2期 世界经济论坛与大重启 第3期 世界经济论坛与全球青年领袖社区 第4期 世界经济论坛与Cyber Polygon 第5期 当今美国之乱象及其幕后黑手 第6期 索罗斯和他的财富帝国 第7期 索罗斯与当今美国之乱象 第8期 比尔∙盖茨资助的公共卫生网络 第9期 比尔∙盖茨的疫苗与农业计划 第10期 是谁控制了美联储? 第11期 是谁让中美建交? 第12期 洛克菲勒家族如何控制NBA和百事公司? 第13期 洛克菲勒家族的医疗体系百年布局 第14期 洛克菲勒家族与联合国、世界卫生组织和世界银行 第15期 洛克菲勒家族与新冠疫苗的国际游戏 第16期 谁是黑石真正的老板? 第17期 洛克菲勒家族与中国国家主权基金 第18期 洛克菲勒家族与外交关系学会 彼尔德伯格集团 三边委员会 第19期 美国媒体背后的家族之纽约时报与华盛顿邮报 第20期 第一季完结篇上-洛克菲勒家族与比尔盖茨 第21期 第一季完结篇下-洛克菲勒家族与索罗斯 第22期 金拱门、凯雷集团与洛克菲勒家族 第23期 9/11、凯雷集团与布什家族 第24期 洛克菲勒家族与美国媒体 第25期 默多克的媒体帝国 第26期 默多克与罗斯柴尔德 第27期 今天的罗斯柴尔德家族 第28期 罗斯柴尔德家族与石油 第29期 罗斯柴尔德家族与矿产 第30期 钴之争-是谁控制了电动车行业? 第31期 奢侈品背后的沼泽地 - LVMH 第32期 罗斯柴尔德家族与钻石、以色列 第33期 法拉利继承权之争 第34期 凤凰城、万宝路与奥利奥 第35期 凤凰城与甲骨文 第36期 科赫家族与川普 第37期 通用电气、美国制造与贸易全球化 第38期 洛克菲勒家族与苹果公司 第39期 第二季完结篇 - 沼泽地之争 第三季第1期:梵蒂冈之争-深层政府与深层教会 第三季第2期:沼泽地的台积电

Exposure Of The Planned Disease Pandemics


As someone who has been aware of this New World Order plan for 35 years, the deep state has done so many horrific things to depopulate humanity. However, I believe that the Covid pandemic ("PLAN"demic by WEF) was the worst plan done by the deep state since the black plague. It was totally based on propagandized fear porn. Beginning with the mandates to force us to wear masks and stand six feet apart (this is part of satanic rituals) to scaring people that they were going to die if they refused the Covid bioweapon, to the mandatory lockdowns which led to suicides, the cognitive dissonance, to social issues for children, and our inability to be with our family and friends, this has to be the most evil act the deep state has done to We The People. Thank God, they didn't achieve their ultimate goal, which was to keep us locked down for ten years. Had President Trump not forced their hand by using Operation Warpspeed, via military vaccines, which were harmless, billions would have died instead of millions. Keep in mind that Trump did inform the public that Ivermectine and HCQ would cure Covid, which according to the 1987 Medical Journal is the common cold. The deep state had patents on the vaccine and Covid prior to the plandemic. The WEF warned that a plandemic was in our future. Doctors, nurses, scientists, patriots and Anons warned that it was dangerous, but were censored and many refused to listen to the truth. When Fauci stated, "I am science!" that alone should have concerned everyone. There was no peer-reviewed scientific data provided by NIH, CDC, Fauci, etc., yet people still believed them. The fear porn was astronomical, causing millions to be deceived. Scientists and health professionals are now exposing the "Plan"demic, specifically Covid 19. Many criticized those of us had tried to warn the masses that Covid itself was not killing people, but the Covid vaccine, actually a bioweapon, was disabling and murdering millions. We tried to tell everyone that they were being mislead about the pandemic, deep state puppets calling it conspiratorial, misinformation, and brainwashing. The Covid "PLAN"demic has now been proven that it was indeed being used for genocide. The Great Awakening may still be subject to debunking by fact-checkers, but in due time they may be held accountable for their deception if they voluntary played a role of deception and denial. Note that they didn't start with the Covid "PLAN"demic. There were many other plandemics forced upon the people to comply to the deep state depopulation agenda. This channel has videos that contains information regarding many horrific acts that the deep state has forced upon the world. Those who censored and lied to the world will be held accountable for their crimes against humanity. Expect a Nuremberg 2 in the future, because Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming (NCSWIS). Many of us who were fortunate enough to do our research and not feed into the fear porn learned of their diabolical plan before it happened. May God heal those who were injured and comfort those who lost loved ones. Stay vigilant Patriots. Pray for your whole armor of protection from Ephesians 6-10 and keep the faith. Be at peace, because the Lord always wins. God bless you and yours abundantly! If you want to do some interesting reading, check out my articles and opinions on Gab:;;

Thomas and Friends: Full Seasons (1984-2024):Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends-Season 01


Thomas & Friends: originally known as Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends or simply Thomas the Tank Engine; later called Thomas & Friends: Big World! Big Adventures! is a British children's television series. Based on The Railway Series of books by Reverend Wilbert Awdry and his son Christopher, English writer and producer Britt All-croft arranged a deal to bring the stories to life as the TV series. In the United Kingdom, it had its first broadcast on the ITV network in 1984. In the United States, it had its first broadcast on Shining Time Station in 1989. ​ These books follow the adventures of a group of anthropomorphize locomotives and road vehicles who live on the fictional Island of Sodor. The titular protagonist Thomas is the most popular and famous character in the series. The books were based on stories Wilbert told to entertain his son, Christopher, during his recovery from measles. Many of the stories from the first four series are based on events from Awdry's personal experience.

Crazy for Real Madrid News


Welcome to my Real Madrid news channel! Here you will find everything you need to know about the most successful club in the history of football. Stay up-to-date with the latest news, transfers, games, results, and much more. As a true fan of Real Madrid, I am committed to bringing quality and updated content to you. If you want to stay informed about everything that happens in the football world, and especially about Real Madrid, subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications so you don't miss any videos. Let's follow this incredible team closely together! Hala Madrid!

The Small Business Show


The Small Business Show is a video series and podcast to discuss all things related to small business. Running a small business can be hard, there is so much to learn and to know. However you are not alone. We feature successful entrepreneurs and experts in their industry. Learn the tips and tricks about running a small business. Connect with other like-minded entrepreneurs like yourself, improve your workflow and work more efficiently. We tackle topics like sales, marketing, branding, networking, website design and more.

Thomas and Friends: Full Seasons (1984-2024):Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends-Season 02


Thomas & Friends: originally known as Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends or simply Thomas the Tank Engine; later called Thomas & Friends: Big World! Big Adventures! is a British children's television series. Based on The Railway Series of books by Reverend Wilbert Awdry and his son Christopher, English writer and producer Britt All-croft arranged a deal to bring the stories to life as the TV series. In the United Kingdom, it had its first broadcast on the ITV network in 1984. In the United States, it had its first broadcast on Shining Time Station in 1989. ​ These books follow the adventures of a group of anthropomorphize locomotives and road vehicles who live on the fictional Island of Sodor. The titular protagonist Thomas is the most popular and famous character in the series. The books were based on stories Wilbert told to entertain his son, Christopher, during his recovery from measles. Many of the stories from the first four series are based on events from Awdry's personal experience.