Samorealizacija je zakon


Na tem kanalu govorimo o samorealizaciji, osebni rasti, zdravljenju duše in telesa. Smisel iščemo v odgovorih na vprašanja. Kdo smo, kaj smo, kje smo, kdaj smo? Kaj je to čemur pravimo naš svet, kaj je to čemur pravimo realnost? Mi si delimo zgodbe, izkušnje, menja, vizijo. Mi pravimo ne hvala tistemu, kar nam ne služi več in sprejemamo vse tisto, kar nam pomaga na naši poti. Mi nismo na tem svetu zato, da bi trpeli, prestajali, se podrejali in životarili. Živi smo zato, ker hočemo ustvarjati, uživati, ljubiti, deliti, rasti, se razvijati. Živimo zato, da bi se lahko resnično počutili žive!

Salty the Geek


Welcome to Salty the Geek! I'm Kevin, an indie game developer with a passion for creating games. In this channel, I'll share my journey as an indie game developer, giving you insights and tips I've learned along the way. Join me as I cover topics such as game design and programming. I'll also share updates on any games that I am working on. Thanks for watching, and I can't wait to share my love for games and game development with you! Keep coding, stay salty, and let your game creations shine!

Salty Heart Devotionals


Your daily dose of inspiration, faith, and spiritual growth. As part of Salty Heart Ministries, we’re dedicated to enriching your journey with meaningful Christian devotionals that uplift and challenge you to live out your faith boldly. Dive into daily reflections, biblical teachings, and words of encouragement that resonate with your heart and strengthen your connection to God. Join us as we explore the love, grace, and hope found in Scripture and discover practical ways to apply them to your everyday life. Whether you’re seeking motivation, comfort, or spiritual guidance, our devotionals are designed to fill your day with light and truth. Also, don’t forget to check out our sister channel, Salty Hearts Worship Music, where you’ll find powerful worship songs that lift your spirit and bring you closer to God. Subscribe, share, and be part of a community that embraces God’s Word and shines His love daily. Remember, with Salty Heart Devotionals, your journey is seasoned with faith. 🧂🤍