Treasure Seekers Brutal Truth


Treasure Seekers: Brutal Truth Forrest Fenn Treasure Hunt & Jack Stuef This place is about opinions and how we feel! As I have gone Alone in with my own solve And with my own thoughts, I can keep my secret where, And a hint of attitude new and old Begin it where my solve only matters and take it no matter how I tell you, Not far, but too far to understand Put in below all my bull shit I tell you From there its no place for conflict, The end is what I say it is, There’ll be no convincing or changing my mind, Just my solve and mine alone If you’ve been wise and listened to me, Look quickly into my eyes, and you will believe, But tarry scant with only my solve, Just listen to me and go my way only So why is it that I must be so strong and leave my solution for all to seek? ( ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BY TREASURE SEEKERS AND ITS AFFILIATES ) Disclaimer:

REL TruthSeeker


Hi there; I'm Arielle (R-E-L)! I am seeking for the truth! The truth of what you say? EVERYTHING! The truth about this realm, about the earth, about his-story; about the human body, mind, spirit; about nature and our connection to it, about the mountain of lies we have been told over countless generations. I refuse to go through life blind and ignorant. I believe that humans can make positive changes to this reality we live in. It starts with a single human. It starts now. It starts with me. I invite you to share in the ups and downs of my journey with me! Welcome, my friend, to the journey of my life time.

Creative Society Sweden


Det internationella projektet "Kreativt Samhälle" har initierats av människor runt om i världen. I dagens samhälle dominerar konsument formatet och vi kan alla se att det har uttömt sig självt och fört mänskligheten till en återvändsgränd. Den 11:e maj 2019, på den globala online konferensen "SAMHÄLLET. DEN SISTA CHANSEN" tog människor upp denna fråga och uttryckte en gemensam åsikt om att det är en avgörande nödvändighet att bygga ett nytt Kreativt samhälle. Konferensens unika format inspirerade människor att agera eftersom de kunde uttrycka sin uppriktiga åsikt och ta ansvar för sina egna liv och vår gemensamma framtid. I detta skede har vi satt upp målet att ta reda på från människor runt om i världen om de vill leva i det kreativa samhället samt att informera allmänheten om denna möjlighet. Här hittar du videor skapade av människor från över 180 länder runt om i världen. Delta i detta initiativ och besök webbplatsen: E-mail:

Crime Seekers


Fact-Based True Crime Documentaries & Analysis. Welcome to Crime Seekers, where fascination meets investigation, and every mystery unveils gripping stories, mind-bending puzzles, and heart-pounding suspense. If you're drawn to the enigma of crime and the thrill of solving it, this is your passport to the world's most captivating criminal narratives. Join us for meticulously crafted documentaries, real-life investigations, and unsolved mysteries. Gain insights into forensic science, criminal psychology, and engage in dynamic discussions with fellow enthusiasts and experts. Subscribe now to dive into the thrilling world of crime! 🔍🕵️♂️🔬🚀🔐📣