Pets run the World.


Welcome to Pets run the World, the channel where pets are the stars! We love all things pets, and we're here to share fun facts, pet stories, pet information, and more. From dogs and cats to rabbits and hamsters, we've got something for every pet lover. Tune in for weekly videos about your favorite furry friends and learn something new every day. We also feature heartwarming pet stories, and helpful pet information. So, whether you're a new pet owner or a seasoned pro, we've got something for you. Subscribe today and join the Pet Squad!

The Smoke Ring Society


Welcome to The Smoke Ring Society, the channel dedicated to all things BBQ, grilling, smoking, and good times. The only promise we will make is that we have fun and do our best to entertain you while we entertain ourselves. The Smoke Ring Society is a group of friends that love to smoke meat, drink beer, and talk trash. We will share our favorite recipes and experiment on different cuts of meat. We aren't another "how to" cook recipe channel, The internet has enough of those. Be sure to like, subscribe and comment and follow us on social media. check out our website too!



Welcome to DoctorGurung – your go-to channel for trusted medical facts, insightful podcasts, and expert health tips! Here, we break down complex medical topics into easy-to-understand videos and engaging podcast clips. Whether you're looking to learn more about common health conditions, the latest breakthroughs in medicine, or tips for better well-being, DoctorGurung is dedicated to bringing you accurate, reliable, and up-to-date information. Subscribe to stay informed and empowered with the knowledge you need to live a healthier life!

Run Mommy


Olá, meu nome é Telma Fortunato e sou Educadora Física. Eu sou uma amante do esporte e me encontrei na corrida recentemente e percebi que não há muitos canais de mulheres corredoras. Então, resolvi criar o meu próprio para incentivar outras mulheres e mães como eu a dedicar um pouco do seu tempo para a saúde e por que não lazer da atividade física. Eu irei dividir com vocês minhas rotinas de atividade física, treinos de corrida e minha paixão pelo o esporte. Ao mesmo tempo, venha comigo conhecer comigo o EUA, onde moro, as curiosidades, tradições. Quem sabe no futuro alguns outros países.