Snarl Crook
2 FollowersSnarl Crook Parody's
Snarl Crook Parody's
Ruff and Shasta K9 heroes
Frăția Ortodoxă „Sfântul Mare Mucenic Gheorghe, Purtătorul de Biruință”, este o organizație creștină în care se adună români care au ca valori principale dragostea de Dumnezeu, Neam și Țară. Ea a luat ființă cu binecuvântarea și botezul Sfântului Părinte Arhimandrit Justin Pârvu. Misiunea acestei organizații este de a dezvolta în sufletele românilor, dorința de a se îmbunătăți permanent, de a fi mândri de neamul din care fac parte și de a renunța la mentalitatea actuală a societății în care se promovează „descurcăreala”, minciuna, furtul, mișelia și trândăvia.
Dear My UFO Lovers Welcome to my channel. I`m a UFO Hunter from Macedonia and I have a lot of real UFO surprises for you. Thank you and enjoy!
Hypothesees is your destination for thought-provoking investigations into UFO sightings, alien encounters, strange happenings, and occult theories. Each video takes you closer to understanding the mysteries that lie just outside the edges of human knowledge. Whether you’re a skeptic, believer, or simply curious, there’s something here for everyone. Subscribe today and uncover the secrets of the universe—one theory at a time.
🏹Rebuilding Christendom from the ruins of modernity 🏗⛪ 🏹 Build your parish into a stronghold 💪 🏹Christianity shall prevail ⚔
Hablamos de inversión, de finanzas personales, y alguna que otra especulación.
McRuffy Press creates learning content to help children learn and make life easier for those who teach them, including printed materials and digital learning content. Watch McRuffy Press for children's videos.
At UFO Epicenter, we provide UFO, EXTRATERRESTRIAL, and FANTASY based content. We are a mix of Science, Theories, Astrophysics, Cosmos, Paranormal, Phenomena and Fictional tales. We touch on UFO sightings and everything related. The goal is to keep you informed and entertained. The content provided on UFO Epicenter is for entertainment purposes only. All theories, discussions, and analyses presented are speculative and should not be interpreted as factual or verified information. UFO Epicenter assumes no responsibility for the use or interpretation of the content shared. If the video is that of a fictional tale, it will be stated within the description.
"Car Crashed" is dedicated to sharing footage of various car accidents and collisions. The content primarily focuses on capturing real-life incidents from dashcams, surveillance cameras, or user submissions.
Nasz kanał medialny o tematyce Paranormalnej i UFO istnieje od ponad 20 lat i jesteśmy dumni z tej długiej historii. Z pasją i zaangażowaniem podążamy za tajemnicami tego świata, badając zjawiska paranormalne, relacje o obserwacjach UFO oraz tłumacząc niewyjaśnione zdarzenia. W ciągu tych lat zgromadziliśmy ogromną ilość materiałów i informacji, które staramy się podzielić z naszą społecznością. Publikujemy regularnie fascynujące wideo, wywiady z ekspertami, relacje świadków oraz analizy naukowe, aby rozwiać wątpliwości i pomóc zrozumieć to, co jest poza naszymi zmysłami. Naszym celem jest nie tylko odkrywanie prawdy, ale również budowanie silnej społeczności pasjonatów paranormalnych i UFO. Zapewniamy interaktywną platformę, gdzie nasi subskrybenci mogą dzielić się swoimi doświadczeniami, zadawać pytania i dyskutować na temat najnowszych odkryć. Jeśli interesuje Cię świat zjawisk paranormalnych i UFO, dołącz do nas i odkrywaj z nami tajemnice tego fascynującego świata! Paranormal.PL
The magic created in our short time together captured briefly in this collection of videos. Kitty + Scruffy = Everlasting Love.
Ruffle in the ring!!! Just 4 Laughs
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I was bored one day and I started doing a series of dumb clips to ruin a movie scene. You can see all of them here if you're feeling bored.
Commentary and explanations, entertainment, comedy, video games, dark humour
Sharing music to make your day better
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