CF Girl Shares Art & Truth


Hello! Join me on an adventure in talking about art, cystic fibrosis related subjects and truth of reality and morality. I will explore topics that I think will benefit anyone and everyone in the CF community and maybe even a few others along the way. If you would like to contact me, find other ways to follow and keep up with my activities or just to donate you can do this at the link below: I would love to meet you all and hear all your suggestions, comments and other random thoughts. Contact

Hummingbird Spirit Rising Tarot


Welcome! I’m Sharmayne and I provide guidance and support via tarot and oracle cards, as well as psychic and intuitive insights, and mediumship. PLEASE NOTE - TO ACCESS ALL CONTENT CREATED PRIOR TO NOVEMBER 2023 PLEASE VIEW THE CHANNEL ON EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING PLATFORMS: YOUTUBE: ODYSEE: To contact me or book a PERSONAL READING please send an email to or visit my etsy store - PERSONAL TAROT READINGS PRICE LIST - 50% discount on all readings until 5 April 2025: 30 Minute Live Zoom Video Call Tarot Reading - £17.50 (Usually £35) Video Readings: In-Depth Tarot Reading (30-45 minutes) - £17.50 (Usually £35) Mini Tarot Reading (1 Question) - £7.50 (Usually £15) Mini Tarot Reading (2 Questions) - £10 (Usually £20) Mini Tarot Reading (3 Questions) - £15 (Usually £30) Written Or Audio Tarot Readings With Photos: 1 Question - £5 (Usually £10) 2 Questions - £7.50 (Usually £15) 3 Questions - £10 (Usually £20) PLEASE NOTE: The readings and information shared on this channel are not a substitute for your own judgement or professional advice relating to medical, psychological, legal and financial issues, etc. Seek professional support where necessary. Thank you 🖤

Cléo Ribeiro Rossafa


A Visão do Ministério Mudança de Vida é a de perseguir o exemplo do nosso Mestre maior, Jesus Cristo. É buscar de modo intenso nos tornarmos semelhantes a Ele através da fé viva, atitudes práticas, renúncia diária e amor através de atitudes, pois Cristo é puro amor e como sabemos, amor não é um sentimento, amor é expresso em atitudes. Cada cristão precisa perseguir a mudança. Assim como Cristo mudou a história da humanidade em apenas três anos, o Ministério Mudança de Vida quer levar a mudança através do Único caminho verdadeiro, a Palavra de Deus. E essa mudança de vida começa dentro de cada um de nós. Começa na mente, por meio de escolhas que tomamos. Junte-se a nós como um discípulo de Cristo na propagação do evangelho e como lemos em 2 Timóteo 4:2: “Pregue a Palavra em tempo e fora de tempo” e, se necessário, use as palavras. Ou seja, viva a palavra através de sua vida, sua conduta, sua mentalidade bíblica, tendo como modelo nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo.

Knight and Rose Show


Christian apologists Wintery Knight and Desert Rose discuss apologetics, policy, culture, relationships, and more. Each episode equips you with evidence you can use to boldly engage anyone, anywhere. We train our listeners to become Christian secret agents. Action and adventure guaranteed. 30-45 minutes per episode. New episode every week. Speaker biographies Wintery Knight is a black legal immigrant. He is a senior software engineer by day, and an amateur Christian apologist by night. He has been blogging at since January of 2009, covering news, policy and Christian worldview issues. Desert Rose did her undergraduate degree in public policy, and then worked for a conservative Washington lobbyist organization. She also has a graduate degree from a prestigious evangelical seminary. She is active in Christian apologetics as a speaker, author, and teacher.

Inside of You with Michael Rosenbaum


Welcome to Michael Rosenbaum’s podcast, Inside of You! Listen as I invite people more famous than me to open about their flaws, insecurities, and all the things that make us human. What started as me having some fun, quickly evolved into something I’ve fallen in love with. What I’ve discovered is that these celebrities I interview aren’t that different from you and me. They have the same insecurities and problems that we all deal with every day. In a dark, yet enlightening way…I find a lot of comfort in that. I invite you all to join me while I get inside each of these fascinating people. New episodes drop every Tuesday so make sure you subscribe to be the first to watch



Hello welcome to my channel! I'm a variety streamer/photographer! I want to show people that there are so many other games out there that they should check out and enjoy for themselves so I hope you find something new here for you to play!! . Thanks for stopping by! ALSO if you wish to donate feel free to check out my Ko-fi account and feel free to request certain games or just swing by the account to see my gallery of photos I've done! Please remember if you don't have nor want to give me cash to just share and like the videos cause that in itself is supporting my work! Thanks for stopping by! ( ̄︶ ̄)