Risonanza Schumann


AV 23-06-2023-LA RISONANZA SCHUMANN . 🛸🛸 La risonanza Schumann viene spiegata nelle trasmissioni dei Pleiadiani Schumann. Saranno riposate quindi tutte le trasmissioni inerenti all'Evento , si prega di ascoltare i messaggi se volete capire di più cosa e successo nel periodo 2018-2023 Nella fase di ascensione infatti la frequenza di Schumann incomincio a raggiungere picchi di 40-100 hz fino a raggiungere -158 HZ , il 6 Dicembre 2019 , Arrivati quindi a tale frequenza , l'oscurità mette in moto un piano , abbassare di nuovo la frequenza rimodulando il DNA attraverso la corona ad uno stato delta , ovvero 7,5 max hz . Lo hanno fatto attraverso le trasmissioni di paura per tv radio supermercati , infatti la gente si ammalava per credenza che fuori c'era qualcosa di brutto, di conseguenza e avvenuta una battaglia , hanno provato a privarci delle nostre cose , L'AMORE per esempio , dovevamo stare distanti bucarci imbavagliarci perché cerano semi stellari incarnati con un DNA che risuonava più alto e quindi stato asceso (scacco matto), infatti in mezzo a questa battaglia la risonanza non superava più picchi alti la gente aveva paura ,(meta 2020 calo) erano entrati anche incontraddizione con il mio canale , mi dicevano se fuori ce morte i messaggi non sono veri , hanno interrotto cosi ascensione 4 anni fa , ma noi semi stellari galattici non abbiamo rinunciato al grande tesoro siamo andati avanti a combattere e infatti noi stavamo bene fuori il cielo faceva uscire il sole e d'eravamo assenti da programmazioni , fino ad OGGI , si potete vedere quelle onde speciali nel grafico oggi come sintomo di un cambio DNA da carbonio a cristallino , 2023 la carta verde come tutto il male e stato abolito , credetemi adesso CREDILO !!!!! BENVENUTI IN 5D ABBIAMO STRAVINTO , CI SIAMO LAUREATI IN MATERIA E IN AMORE . GRAZIE UNO ! DOVE ANDIAMO 1 ANDIAMO TUTTI🤩🎁🛸🛸🎁🛸🛸🎁🎁🛸🎁🎁🎁🛸🎁🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸 PS ci tengo infinitamente che tutto il mio lavoro svolto dal 2018 e on line , NON DOVETE PRIVARVI DI QUELLO CHE NON SAPETE QUINDI E GIUSTO CHE IL MIO LAVORO SIA CON VOI , Purtroppo youtube non ha amato il mio lavoro nonostante il canale piaceva alla gente e mi a sfrattato di casa 4 volte , oggi e per questo che non creo un altro canale sul tubo MA HO LA FORTUNA DI RIPRESENTARVI TUTTO IN UN ALTRO SPAZIO ----- CANALE Risonanze Schumann FASE DI ASCENSIONE IN VIDEO (RIMOSSI) E MESSA INSIEME DEL PAZEL VI AMO ! BUON LAVORO https://rumble.com/c/c-3330100 ANCORA UNA COSA NOI DICEVAMO CHE STAVA ACCADENDO QUALCOSA DI MAESTOSO , GLI OSCURI INVECE FACEVANO IL CONTRARIO , NOI INTENDO COME TRASMISSIONI SOTTO LA GUIDA DEL COMANDANTE ASTHAR E I PLEIADIANI , NON MI STO INVENTANDO NULLA , ANCHE ADESSO CHE SCRIVO ANCHE SE CON ERRORI ....MA HO FRETTA DI RIFARVI ASCOLTARE TUTTO CAPITE ....MI AUGURO DI SI QUINDI RIMANETE COLLEGATI NELLA PAGINA VISTO CHE NON AVETE LE NOTIFICHE DI RUMBLE , QUALSIASI COSA SONO QUI MA SE QUI MI SFRATTANO SONO SU RUMBLE SICURO LI RIMANE TUTTO ... A BRACCIA APERTE CI HANNO ACCOLTO... ANCHE ATON 🤩 COMANDANTE CAPO DIETRO A TUTTO , SEMPRE SOTTO LE SUE ALI ... SALUUUU ----- 169343 SIGNIFICA AMORE LIQUIDO . AMOREVOLE CONCENTRATO CALMO CENTRATO AL MEGLIO CHE POSSIAMO , SEMPRE NEL POSTO GIUSTO AL MOMENTO GIUSTO !

Today Discounts & Many kind of Deal And Promo Codes #everyone


Today-Discounts & Deals And Promo Codes !! WELL COME TO MY GROUP THANKS TO JOIN US !!! GROUP INFORMATION ℹ️ This group is to help find great sales and coupon deals. Deals are posted all through the day and night. •If you are an admin from another group please feel free to use deals I have posted except for single-use code. •There will be no drama on this page about stealing deals. Deals are for everyone in my opinion. • Please Feel free to message Admin with any good deals. •To order all you need to do is click the image • Some posts may just have the discount code and price, so all you have to do is click the image, add the item to the cart and put the code in on the checkout page. • Items posted in this group are free, discounted, and full price. It is YOUR decision if you want to review an item. Reviews and Feedback are always appreciated but not required. • The quantity or price can change at any time. • If you click on an item and the price has changed. Please let an Admin know. •Click on photos to see the items we post in order • This page is a participant in affiliate programs and in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com Also: “When you click on links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, this can result in this site earning a commission. Affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network.” • This page is a participant in the Target affiliate program • Do not do anything illegal in this group • No bullying, No arguing, No fighting in this group • No Spam, link baiting, or files containing viruses that could damage the operation of other people’s computers or mobile devices • This Facebook group Admin(s) are entitled to deny entry to any member they choose. • Do not post and/or comment on graphic or disturbing photos, videos, and other media in this group. • This includes, but is not limited to, disturbing photos, angry or aggressive behavior toward fellow members, posting and commenting on anything in violation. If someone persists in offensive behavior or continually violates any of these rules, we will block that person from further participation in this group. If there are any issues please contact any admin to discuss the problem.

RN Medico Nerd


⬇️ Save time studying! Welcome to RN Medico Nerd channel, this channel is a medical and health education platform. Subscribe to get free high-quality educational videos! Learn in this medical school and nursing school the Medicine, Psychology, Chemistry, Biology, Anatomy, Physiology, Embryology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Biostatistics, Neuroscience, Histology, Microbiology, Pediatrics, Obstetrics& Gynecology, Internal Medicine (Cardiology, Neurology, Endocrinology, Hematology, Oncology, Gastroenterology, Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Dermatology, Geriatrics, and Pulmonology), and Surgery. 🔥 Why subscribe? 1. Some videos come with study guides, PDFs, and written lectures that correlate with each video! 2. Save time studying! 3. Quickly understand confusing topics! 5. The information on this channel is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All

Discovering the Beauty of Islam


Welcome to "Discovering Islam Today" and our special series, "Discovering the Beauty of Islam". Our channel is dedicated to exploring the diverse and fascinating world of Islam, and showcasing the beauty and richness of its teachings and cultural heritage. Our mission is to educate and inspire viewers to learn more about Islam, and to promote greater understanding and appreciation of this religion and its followers. Our "Discovering the Beauty of Islam" series features a wide range of videos, including educational content, interviews with Muslim scholars and community leaders, and inspiring stories of Muslim individuals from around the world. As part of our ongoing commitment to promoting religious tolerance and understanding, we also feature videos on current events and issues affecting the Muslim community. Our channel is a safe space for individuals of all faiths to learn and engage with the Muslim community in a respectful and constructive manner. Whether you're a Muslim looking to deepen your understanding of Islam or a non-Muslim curious about this faith, we invite you to join us on this journey of discovery. Subscribe to our channel to stay up-to-date on our latest content, and don't forget to hit the notification bell to never miss a video. Thank you for watching!

Straight Outta Prison Podcast


Most people that know James K Jones today are shocked to learn he spent a better part of a decade in Prison. Although he has been out of prison for over 20 years, according to his multiple charges, he should still be there. Instead, he is now married with 3 beautiful children and a business owner. This is his story of how he got to prison. His life in prison: the people, the hustles, the corruption, and profound insights he uncovered about himself, others, and life in general. Ultimately, James believes being locked up saved his life. This is James telling his story, that has now become a part of Haley's story. Together, they take you on the journey- with all the drama and dirty details that ultimately led to freedom.

Desertsagepodcasts- Where Natural Law is Discovered Verified


Desertsagepodcasts is a podcast series dedicated to teaching the principles of Natural Law, Truth, and Freedom. The introductory video is complete and will be hosted by Havasu Patriot co-founder, Greg Befort. Links to the Introductory video and podcast series are also posted on the "Media and Events" page at Havasu-Patriots.com. Greg intends to invite guest speakers and provide Live and pre-recorded discussions and resources on topics which address the current human condition of slavery and how to end it. The introductory video and many of the podcasts to follow will specifically address active duty, veterans, and retired members of Law Enforcement and the Military. If you ever heard Greg speak in public or watched his attendance at City Council and Board of Supervisor's meetings, you witnessed the "reserved" Greg. In this podcast series, you will hear the unfiltered, unedited, version of Greg's philosophy on Natural Law as well as his hard-core dismantlement of the illegitimate belief in man's "authority".

Federal Prison Talk


I started this channel to help those on federal pretrial facing prison overcome their fears and hopefully have a better outcome at sentencing time. I served a 52 month sentence for wire fraud at Flornece federal Prison Camp in Florence Colorado. I have learned to change my life and turn it all around and recovery from drug addiction and have a positive look on life now. Your life is not over when you go to prison it can be the beginning of something wonderful if you are willing to take accountability for your actions and are willing to change. I hope my videos help yuou in your journey through life, GOD BLESS... WHAT FEDERAL PRISON CAMP LIFE IS ALL ABOUT AND BELOW IS LISTS OF WEBSITES FOR THOSE AWAITING SENTENCING OR ON PRETRIAL OR HAVE BEEN INDICTED. FEDERAL PRISON CAMP VIDEOS LINK https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcRHbaJBOyppe5eXmlR3FDVwwtGNUg2xD CALL ME IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS (415) 410-4612 SEAN

Discovery Channel Network Verified


"Welcome to The Discovery Channel. The go-to destination for fascinating discoveries! Immerse yourself in a world of captivating documentaries and educational snippets covering a wide range of topics. From the wonders of nature to mind-bending science, we bring you bite-sized content that sparks curiosity. Subscribe now for a daily dose of discovery that will leave you inspired and informed. Join us on The Discovery Network and let the exploration begin!"

NASA Discoveries Beyond Earth


"Explore the cosmos with 'NASA Discoveries Beyond Earth.' Join us as we unravel mysteries of distant galaxies, stunning celestial phenomena, Earth's beauty from space, spacecraft chronicles, and the science shaping our understanding. Subscribe for interstellar insights, astronaut stories, and cutting-edge research that redefine our universe. Venture into solar system secrets, embrace space's vastness, and ignite your curiosity. Let's journey together, one discovery at a time. 🔭🚀🌌"