Guitar Stroke Recovery


I love playing guitar and during COVID I suffered a “Stroke”. This unexpected stroke affected the whole right-side of my body, in other words, zero movement; this was a very scary experience. Slowly movement is returning through therapy, extreme hard work, staying very positive, hopeful and many prayers; still healing through the grace of God! After some time has gone by, I started have a strong desire to start playing guitar again. My fret hand is fine, the challenging issue is my picking and strumming right hand, at which I call the engine. So, I accepted this personal challenge to start playing guitar again. I decided to make a weekly video library to document my progress. Please follow me on my journey and I hope this adventure encourages others to do the same. God Bless!

Archives Reloaded


Old Military fan here since my childhood. I saw countless videos about recolorization old clips, but I always saw that they were somehow not historically correct. I try to search around the Internet and Groups for original uniform / insigna / flag colours of the past and manual color the clips. It's a process made in some part automatically through AI filters and most of the retouch is done manually by me and with various software (DAVINCI Resolve the main one). Restoring old black and white films in color and enhancing them. ///////////////////////////////////////// "Fair Use" Copyright use - All rights belong to the original owner/s. Only parts of the original footage is edited for Informative and Discussion only! Non-political Channel