Accidentally Intentional


70% of people don’t have someone they can call in a 2am crisis. Let’s face it. We are relationally broke. My mission is to make that percentage zero. But how? By building RELATIONAL WEALTH: the embodiment of all your relationships, with yourself, with others, and experiences that enRICH your life. The focus of this podcast And ALL of your relationships. With others. With yourself. Your passions. Your health. Your body image. Your addictions. Your wildest dreams. Your biggest losses...and SO much more. Our relationships WITH everything else is the overflow of our relationships with everyONE else. I promise you this podcast will help you build wealth in EVERY way that money cannot. And it all starts by being Accidentally Intentional. New videos every OTHER Thursday. Subscribe and turn on notifications to make sure you automatically get every new episode drop! Let's be Accidentally Intentional together!

Investor Talk - Commodities, commodity investments and general daily news


All contributions were created by M & M Consult UG (haftungsbeschränkt) for the purpose of investor information. The contributions do not represent a recommendation to buy or sell the discussed companies or a recommendation to use the service of the presented company and it is pointed out that M & M Consult UG (haftungsbeschränkt) does not assume any liability for possible financial losses. Every investment is risky up to a possible total loss and every viewer/listener is responsible for his own investment decisions. Consult your investment advisor.