Citizen Observer Perth


Welcome to Citizen Observer Perth. I am a keen photographer and videographer located in Perth, Western Australia. I am also a community-minded citizen and an interested and engaged observer of what occurs in society and the world and on occasion I have filmed newsworthy events of public interest including police and emergency incidents in a responsible and unobstructive manner. This video channel and associated website aims to educate citizens as well as police officers and public servants on the legality of public photography and videography and encourages responsible news gathering and independent citizen journalism. Furthermore it aims to promote transparency and accountability within our government to ensure that all public servants within Western Australia respect the rights of citizens and treat citizens with courtesy and respect when engaged in lawful activities. Please visit for further information.



BeerBiceps is the home for The Ranveer Show or TRS - Happiness Through Curiosity. A show where we host the world's greatest success stories and try digging out their secrets to success. We cover everyone from entrepreneurs to Bollywood film stars to even athletes. Every conversation on #TheRanveerShow is an EXTREME learning experience for the viewer. Over 8 years, Ranveer Allahbadia has pivoted himself from being a fitness and fashion YouTuber to an entrepreneur, with Monk-E, BigBrain Media & Level Supermind. Today, Monk-E is a successful talent management agency that caters to brands and creators. BigBrain Media is a new-age YouTube channel that creates mind-bending content every week. Level Supermind is a self-help app that helps users to make good habits and create focus. Scan through our home page to watch the playlist of your choice. There's a playlist for EVERYONE. Subscribe to our channel for more!

JHR - Ein Licht in der Dunkelheit


Jesus ist das Licht der Welt. Egal wie dunkel es um oder in uns ist, er kann es wieder hell machen und zwar für immer. Und so halten wir nun fest an dem völlig gewissen prophetischen Wort, und ihr tut gut daran, darauf zu achten als auf ein Licht, das an einem dunklen Ort scheint, bis der Tag anbricht und der Morgenstern aufgeht in euren Herzen. ((----2. Petrus 1,19 Schl.2000----)) Lerne mehr über die Bibel und Jesus Christus ganz einfach und kostenlos Online E-Mail:



Welcome to my channel. Most of my content is on YouTube @kungfubeer but its supposed to sync here. You'll find all sorts of stuff, hopefully you enjoy it. Let me know in the comments section about games that you think I'd like and comments to the videos you watched. I'm always trying to find more ways to entertain and have fun. Know that all of these things take quite a bit of time to do, so I hope you appreciate the content and time I spend uploading videos to my channel. Thank you so much for watching! Don't forget to click that follow button! It's free and it helps me out! You can also see some of my live recordings at This channel is 21+, not intended for children. My content is really geared towards 30+ years old.