Canal do Prof. Robson Oliveira


Olá, sou o Prof. Dr. Robson Oliveira. Sou professor de filosofia, escritor e analista político. Compartilho com vocês temas de formação humana, artes, virtudes e educação. Aqui você encontra dicas sobre temas de atualidades. Tudo sob o olhar da filosofia! Um jeito inteligente de ver o mundo. Faça parte de nosso grupo no Telegram: 👉 Leia meus artigos: 👉 Gazeta do Povo:

Today Discounts & Many kind of Deal And Promo Codes #everyone


Today-Discounts & Deals And Promo Codes !! WELL COME TO MY GROUP THANKS TO JOIN US !!! GROUP INFORMATION ℹ️ This group is to help find great sales and coupon deals. Deals are posted all through the day and night. •If you are an admin from another group please feel free to use deals I have posted except for single-use code. •There will be no drama on this page about stealing deals. Deals are for everyone in my opinion. • Please Feel free to message Admin with any good deals. •To order all you need to do is click the image • Some posts may just have the discount code and price, so all you have to do is click the image, add the item to the cart and put the code in on the checkout page. • Items posted in this group are free, discounted, and full price. It is YOUR decision if you want to review an item. Reviews and Feedback are always appreciated but not required. • The quantity or price can change at any time. • If you click on an item and the price has changed. Please let an Admin know. •Click on photos to see the items we post in order • This page is a participant in affiliate programs and in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Also: “When you click on links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, this can result in this site earning a commission. Affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network.” • This page is a participant in the Target affiliate program • Do not do anything illegal in this group • No bullying, No arguing, No fighting in this group • No Spam, link baiting, or files containing viruses that could damage the operation of other people’s computers or mobile devices • This Facebook group Admin(s) are entitled to deny entry to any member they choose. • Do not post and/or comment on graphic or disturbing photos, videos, and other media in this group. • This includes, but is not limited to, disturbing photos, angry or aggressive behavior toward fellow members, posting and commenting on anything in violation. If someone persists in offensive behavior or continually violates any of these rules, we will block that person from further participation in this group. If there are any issues please contact any admin to discuss the problem.

Memória E.M.E.F.M. "Professor Derville Allegretti"


Dedicado a Memória dos Alunos e Ex-Alunos da Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental e Médio "Professor Derville Allegretti", para registros de épocas diferentes, dos Cursos Técnicos e demais trabalhos e momentos do Ensino Fundamental. Aberto a Colaboração, Sugestão e Possível Participação dos Professores, Ex-Professores, Funcionários e Ex-Funcionários da Escola que tenham interesse em participar. Caso tenha interessa em enviar seu vídeo ou divulgar seu canal, entre em contato. Obrigado pela Visita. Idealizado por Guilherme Ettiene, turma de Mercadologia B de 1999, em dezembro de 2020.