Edi Pops

1 Follower

Olá, sejam todos bem vindos ao meu canal. Sou aficionado por games e comecei a competir na categoria "jogos de luta" em 2011 e desde então me empenho (ou tento) rsrs, na medida do possível, melhorar resultados assim como aprender com a comunidade. Jogo de tudo um pouco mas a paixão por jogos vem dos "fighting games". Irei compartilhar informações, reviews, vídeos de gameplay e conteúdo relacionado a "e-sports". Para doações, acesse o link abaixo: https://livepix.gg/edipops Ebenézer: Até aqui nos ajudou o Senhor! I Samuel 7.12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, welcome to my channel. I'm passionate about games and I started competing in the "fighting games" category in 2011 and since then I've been working (or trying) lol, as far as possible, to improve results as well as learn from the community. I play a little bit of everything but the passion for games comes from "fighting games". I will share information, reviews, gameplay videos and content related to "e-sports". For donations, visit the link below: https://livepix.gg/edipops Ebenezer: So far the Lord has helped us! I Samuel 7.12

BB Online Store

1 Follower

Welcome to BB Online Store Looking for the latest gadgets to add to your collection, or just curious about the latest tech trends and innovations, our channel has something for you. We strive to make our content engaging, informative, and accessible to everyone, so you can stay up-to-date with the fast-paced world of technology. top 5, top 10, inventions, gadgets, technology, tech, review, list, amazing inventions you must see, you won’t believe exist, inventions you must have, things that actually exist, amazing inventions at home. For Business inquiries - store.onlinezzzx@gmail.com Don't forget to hit that subscribe button and turn on notifications, so you never miss out on our latest videos. For YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@BBOnlineStore/videos For TikTok tiktok.com/@bbonlinestor