

Hi welcome, I'm a person that loves gaming, music & anime. When it comes to gaming, I prefer to stream via emulation because I have retro achievements, and I wanted to play games that I can unlock goals for because I'm a goal achieving individual. I've been on YouTube since November 4th, 2007, near 17 years way back when I was an otaku and into all types of anime. On this channel you'll find game streams from Twitch TV other than being a gamer I am a musician. I've been playing since 2011 (13 years) I cover music on bass guitar. I own four, four string basses, two of the five string basses and a six-string bass. If you like please consider subscribing, commenting, thumbs up or down is up to you. Welcome to my channel and enjoy your stay do get comfortable. I been gaming since the 1990s, metal, rock, pop and techno are my four favorite genres of music my anime history even goes back to 90s Saturday cartoons which I enjoyed including Toonami. Got any more questions to know me? Comment.