Space Force Mysteries


At the end of the day for those who understand ‘Q’ Open Source Greatest Military Intelligence Operation of our time. The MOVIE we have all been a part of and as a script it has a GOOD ENDING. President Trump has never broken his word to us and he says; “THE BEST IS YET TO COME”. There’s a one hundred percent chance of multiple terrorist attacks coming this year. But it’s going to get far worst. Ask yourselves this. Who is John Galt? Trump is CIC jhief in Command right? So he doesn’t need an election when he is in charge after all and the invasion by China and Italy effecting election results made it necessary to have the Military involved. Trump has never left the Cheyenne Mountain Complex which is a top-secret unit of the United States Air Force. Cheyenne Mountain Complex is a underground facility located inside Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado. Wake Up Folks. Wake Up!?

Space NasaX


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