Contra Radio Network


Contra Radio Network is a podcast and vidcast platform that offers internet radio for Preppers and Patriots. Preppers are people who prepare for various emergencies and disasters, while Patriots are people who love and defend their country. Contra Radio Network hosts a variety of shows that cover topics such as survival, self-defense, politics, history, and more. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you will find something interesting and useful on Contra Radio Network. Tune in and join the community of like-minded listeners and subscribers. The views and opinions expressed on Contra Radio Network are those of the authors and hosts of their respective shows, and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Contra Radio Network. Any content provided by our hosts, bloggers or authors are of their own opinion and do not represent Contra Radio Network.

Vigilant One


Ultimately, we are here for discovering and sharing alternative biblical based ideals on modern life, media, and politics. Be vigilant. The world is spiraling faster and faster down the toilet bowl. Right now, Christianity isn’t something that anyone wants to hear about or even be a part of. I’m speaking up. Christians are typically pacifists. That doesn’t mean we let everyone get away with this. I’m here to also empower you, as a Christian. You should be able to speak up with confidence in a large group and know that you are right, not just spiritually, but also scientifically. We are called to be in this world, not OF the world. That means we need to see what garbage is going on and not take part in said garbage. We can’t just stand back and watch the garbage pile up either. We NEED to do something. I am here to help you see how awful our society, media, and entertainment have become. Think of me as a journalistic pastor, of sorts. Let me show you how horrible the world truly is.