1 Followernutsgaming7
1 FollowerChinudeg7p
1 FollowerWildlife Funnies
1 FollowerFunny wildlife and animal videos
Spiritual Donuts
1 FollowerBringing the comforting words of God and the Bible to everyone!
R56 Mini
1 FollowerA little out let of fun for theBlueShamrocks Sponsered Mini Mongrel Nuts
1 Followerrkkanude
1 FollowerDeezNutsOnFace
1 FollowerMafiamnudeer
1 FollowerNUTSHELL99
1 FollowerParanuts76
1 FollowerJonuts
1 FollowerHoldenMyPeanuts
1 Followernudeng
1 FollowerAnudeep1999
1 Followerdanu13
1 FollowerCurlydonuts
1 FollowerGanu13
1 Followercoconuts219
1 FollowerLookingForCoconuts
1 FollowerTenisKnutson
1 FollowerDhanudeepu
1 Followerdollarsanddonuts
1 FollowerLifeImaNutshell
1 FollowerVINUDESI
1 FollowerDisnuts
1 Followernutsugroza
1 Followerratatoskrsnuts
1 FollowerJuanmanu131
1 FollowerNudegraph
1 FollowerPnutsTV
1 FollowerD_iz_Nuts
1 Followerlitenuts
1 FollowerVishnu13532
1 FollowerDietzNutsAreMeatNuts
1 FollowerSusan Wubberconuts
1 FollowerI'm not the former Ceo of Youtube I fill your feed with garbage, subscribe at your own risk Current residence: Hell Favourite platforms: Virtual Boy, Philips CD-i,, OUYA, SEGA Pico, SEGA 32X, Atari Jaguar, Atari 7800 Favourite games: E.T. (Atari 2600), Mario's Tennis, M&M's Kart Racing, Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash, Mr. Nutz, Virtual Boy Wario Land, Sonic Labyrinth, Sonic's Schoolhouse (not a Baldi rip-off), WarioWare: Snapped Favourite anime: My cat, Bee Movie, Shrek, Johnny Test, Cory in the House, Bee Shrek Test in the House, Family Guy Favourite movies: Dora VS. Kermit, Luigi the Weiner, Bambi Dies, Bowja from His Cashle, Current state of Neco-arc, Wario Laughing 1 2 and 3 Favourite music: Small PP, neco arc dilema (meow), Turn down for No Scopes . . deez pp nutz itches