"Memories are worth more than any treasure a person can give"


Description "Memories are worth more than any treasure a person can give" -Mizuko {🥀Kon'nichiwa~🥀} Fanart Hastag: #MizuFanArts Discord: Mizuwii#8397 Before I forgot, the Creator and Mizu are different people. Mizu's just the mascot of this channel.❤️ Some info about me: -What should I call you? {Anything you desire ^^} -When did you start this channel? {On May 10 2020} -When's your birthday? {Sept. 1} -Whats your gender? {I'm a female} -What is your pronouns? {I'm a She/her} -What's your Sexuality? {I'm still questioning myself ngl} -Favorite color? {Indicolite and Aqua blue :3} -Are you in a relationship? {Heaven's NO!} -What will you post on this channel? {Gacha/Animation Memes} -What's your sub goal? {100k} {🥀Konbanwa~ 🥀}