Performances by Saved By Grace Christian Rock Band
4 FollowersA collection of ALL LIVE performances by the Christian Rock Band, Saved By Grace!
Performance Show by Sandro Lima
4 FollowersPerformance Show by Sandro Lima, é um Canal “EDUCATIVO” e “MOTIVACIONAL”, com performance na área das ARTES E CULTURA como dança, canto, teatro, mágica, mímica, malabarismo. E Performance na área dos ESPORTES (Futebol, Atletismo, Volei, Artes Marciais e etc...). Em todas as performance inclui MÚSÍCAS RELAXANTES para Relaxar, Meditar, Dormir... E MÚSICAS MOTIVADORAS para a pessoa DANÇAR , fazer EXERCÍCIOS FÍSICOS e Etc... ---------------------------- #performanceshow,#performance,#vida,#viva,#motivacional,#educação,#musicarelaxante,#meditação,#dança,#dormir,#saude,#bemestar,#taichichuan,#gigong,#chi,#dançafolcloricas,#yoga,#exerciciosfisicos,#motivacional,#Artesecultura, #canto, #teatro, #mágica, #mímica, #malabarismo, #futebol, #atletismo, #volei, #artesmarciais, #exercíciosfísicos, #músicasmotivadoras,
NSatts Bassoon Performances
4 FollowersVinnyFromNewYorkComedy
4 Followersperformancetransmissions
4 FollowersTheCatholicReformation
4 FollowersVlog , living in newyork
4 FollowersNYC, Entrepreneurship, & Life Howdy, I'm Taylor. I'm a 20something former management consultant and ivy-league grad from California turned solopreneur in New York City, and I love making videos that follow all of the above. Stick around
RNG Performance
4 FollowersOFFRoading Adventures, ATV Reviews and How To's
New Yorkshire Workshop
4 FollowersWoodworking, engineering and other crafts
4 FollowersAlwaysReformingOfficial
4 FollowersFunnyNewYork
4 Followersjamesmtnewyork
4 FollowersCygnus Performance
3 FollowersGeoff from Cygnus Performance helps you understand how to get the most out of your car when it comes to handling, ride quality and suspension modifications. With this channel we intend to cover topics such as lowering your car, spring rate, spring brand, alignment specs, tuning damping, digressive valving, suspension longevity, steering feel, supporting suspension parts and what to expect with these modifications from the driver's seat!
First Reformed Evangelical Presbyterian Church
3 FollowersWe are a Presbyterian and Reformed church committed to Christ-centered preaching, scriptural fidelity, and spiritual growth. Explore a variety of content, including expository sermons, Reformed theology teachings, devotionals, and discipleship resources like Covenant Pathways and Dwell in the Word. Join us as we dive deeper into God's Word, worship faithfully, and grow together in faith. Subscribe for content that equips and inspires your walk with Christ!
Piano Performances of Written Music
3 Followersperformancesportsmedicine
3 FollowersWelcome to Performance Sports Medicine! Based in Dallas, Texas, we are a state-of-the-art sports medicine and injury rehabilitation center designed to get your back on your feet faster and stronger than ever. Our goal is to make you feel better - and we have high-quality services available to make our goal a reality! We offer a wide variety of treatments including deep tissue laser therapy, corrective conditioning, DEXA body composition scans, and rejuvenation medicinal therapy. With many years of expertise and experience, our fearless leader Dr. Reno is able to assess, diagnose, and treat your injuries. Personalized care is our #1 priority - so you can rest assured that you will be well taken care of by our team at PSM! To learn more about our services, please visit our website
From Prospect to Performance
3 FollowersFrom Prospect to Performance . . . With this Series you can begin to make Tom Pierson's techniques your own. Learn how to use Pressure & The Release of Pressure . . . It's the Key to your horse understanding what you are asking.
Restoring men's vitality and performance
3 FollowersProviding helpful information, products, and services to help men become their absolute best
Tuesdays Encounter In New York
3 FollowersSpiritual themes brought to you every Tuesday from New York by known personalities from all over the world.
Native New York
3 FollowersNative New York
3 FollowersMeditation Training, Relaxation, Peak Performance And Metaphysical Phenomena.
3 FollowersMeditation is a mind and body practice that has a long history of use for increasing calmness and physical relaxation, improving psychological balance, coping with illness, and enhancing overall health and well-being. Mind and body practices focus on the interactions among the brain, mind, body, and behavior.
Electric violinist radical performer
3 FollowersI play and make music from the heart, inspired by the soul, what makes the whole difference on my playing is that i love to interpret by looking on faces expression bringing out the feeling throught my mind Vision.
Elektrik Performance & Mobility with Terry Shultz, PT
3 FollowersElektrik Performance & Mobility is a health and wellness company with education and products by a licensed physical therapist, Terry Shultz PT.
The Washington Reformer
3 FollowersThe Nation\'s News Source
3 FollowersCanadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform
3 FollowersWe are an educational human rights organization dedicated to making abortion unthinkable. Learn more at
3 FollowersNew York Style Guide
3 FollowersNew York Style Guide is a Fashion, Entertainment, and Lifestyle Magazine.
New york Gaming
3 FollowersGaming video, Entertainment videos
FitLife Unleashed" "Health Hustle 101" "Wellness Warriors" "Sweat and Shine" "Peak Performance Playbook" "Healthy Habits Hub" "Body Boost Blueprint" "Mindful Movement Masters" "Nutrition Navigators" "Strength and Serenity"
3 FollowersI'm here to help you look and feel great, with effective body weight workouts and exercises. Burn calories and extra fat with simple workout routines you can easily do at home. No equipment or gym necessary. New video workouts Monday to Friday and then Sunday as well.
3 FollowersReformadores da Palavra
3 Followers“Jesus atravessou de novo, numa barca, para a outra margem. Uma numerosa multidão se reuniu junto dele, e Jesus ficou na praia. Aproximou-se, então, um dos chefes da sinagoga, chamado Jairo. Quando viu Jesus, caiu a seus pés, e pediu com insistência: ‘Minha filhinha está nas últimas. Vem e põe as mãos sobre ela, para que ela sare e viva!’ Jesus então o acompanhou. Uma numerosa multidão o seguia e o comprimia. Ora, achava-se ali uma mulher que, há doze anos, estava com uma hemorragia; tinha sofrido nas mãos de muitos médicos, gastou tudo o que possuía, e, em vez de melhorar, piorava cada vez mais. Tendo ouvido falar de Jesus, aproximou-se dele por detrás, no meio da multidão, e tocou na sua roupa. Ela pensava: ‘Se eu ao menos tocar na roupa dele, ficarei curada’. A hemorragia parou imediatamente, e a mulher sentiu dentro de si que estava curada da doença. Jesus logo percebeu que uma força tinha saído dele. E, voltando-se no meio da multidão, perguntou: ‘Quem tocou na minha roupa?’ Os discípulos disseram: ‘Estás vendo a multidão que te comprime e ainda perguntas: ‘Quem me tocou’?’ Ele, porém, olhava ao redor para ver quem havia feito aquilo. A mulher, cheia de medo e tremendo, percebendo o que lhe havia acontecido, veio e caiu aos pés de Jesus, e contou-lhe toda a verdade. Ele lhe disse: ‘Filha, a tua fé te curou. Vai em paz e fica curada dessa doença’. Ele estava ainda falando, quando chegaram alguns da casa do chefe da sinagoga, e disseram a Jairo: ‘Tua filha morreu. Por que ainda incomodar o mestre?’ Jesus ouviu a notícia e disse ao chefe da sinagoga: ‘Não tenhas medo. Basta ter fé!’ E não deixou que ninguém o acompanhasse, a não ser Pedro, Tiago e seu irmão João. Quando chegaram à casa do chefe da sinagoga, Jesus viu a confusão e como estavam chorando e gritando. Então, ele entrou e disse: ‘Por que essa confusão e esse choro? A criança não morreu, mas está dormindo’. Começaram então a caçoar dele. Mas, ele mandou que todos saíssem, menos o pai e a mãe da menina, e os três discípulos que o acompanhavam. Depois entraram no quarto onde estava a criança. Jesus pegou na mão da menina e disse: ‘Talitá cum’ – que quer dizer: ‘Menina, levanta-te!’ Ela levantou-se imediatamente e começou a andar, pois tinha doze anos. E todos ficaram admirados. Ele recomendou com insistência que ninguém ficasse sabendo daquilo. E mandou dar de comer à menina”. Mc 5,21-43
The Reformed Redneck
3 FollowersReformed Theology and all things Redneck
Performance Poetry
3 FollowersRediscovering my love for poetry and performance
3 FollowersEscaping_New_York
3 FollowersAre journey to leaving New York and starting over.
FOX 5 New York
3 FollowersThe BBC is the world’s leading public service broadcaster. We’re impartial and independent, and every day we create distinctive, world-class programmes and content which inform, educate and entertain millions of people in the UK and around the world.