Hall County Republican Party


We are the officially recognized Republican committee within our geographical area, and we elect delegates to the Conventions of the Georgia Ninth District Republican Party and the Georgia Republican Party.\r\nAs a Party, we are only as strong as our roots. We depend on the energy, hard work, and financial support of our members and friends to promote Republican ideals and candidates in our community.\r\nwebsite: www.hallgop.org\r\nFriends of the Hall County Republican Party Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hallgop/\r\nJoin our email list: http://goo.gl/uSOzov\r\nEvents Calendar: http://goo.gl/uuu0pc

Franklin County MO. Church Of Christ


We remain strongly committed to the Restoration Plea to "Speak where the Bible speaks and remain silent where the Bible is silent." Such is a plea to abandon the man-made churches, names, creeds and teachings that are unauthorized by the New Testament. It is a plea for unity in Christ and His one true church. We are dedicated to the church's threefold work of evangelism, edification, and benevolence (Matthew 28: 18-20; Galatians 6: 1 0; James 1 :27). We are committed to the gospel plan of salvation for a lost and dying world, including faith in Christ as Lord and Savior, repentance of all sins, the good confession, immersion in water (baptism) for the remission of sins, and faithfulness to Christ (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; Romans 10:10; Revelations 2:10). We invite YOU to join us in this greatest of all works. In all things, may God receive the glory!

Flagler County Grand Order of Pachyderms


It is our belief that most of the corrupting influences in American Politics could be erased and government made more responsive by one basic improvement. That is, simply for more good citizens to participate in politics. “We get the government we deserve, not the one we wish for,” remains a guide-star for a free people. We offer a meaningful movement of political clubs as the most practical means by which a broad citizen participation in politics may be achieved.