Templayer's Old Gaming Corner


A lower quality old gaming footage (when compared with the Templayer's Retro Gaming Guild channel). Bad video quality, bad audio quality, horrible microphone quality (if even available at all!), a lousy boring commentary - you name it, we have it! CZ: Templayerův Starý Herní Koutek Staré nahrávky z her nízké kvality (ve srovnání s kanálem Retro Gaming Guild). Špatná kvalita videa, špatná kvalita audia, strašná kvalita mikrofonu (pokud byl vůbec nahráván), špatný a nudný komentář - co si řeknete, to máme!

Love And Lies Podcast


LIFE & SEX COACH- Your lighthearted host ❤M'JAIE MANGUS❤  in her provocative talk show covers controversial topics that range from sugar daddies, suicide to success and everything in between!  Guests opt in to be anonymous or not so anonymous in order to share the TRUTH and empower listeners. M AND FRIENDS is a fiery talk show segment of Love and Lies Podcast where friends discuss topics such as dating, relationships and sex. Rich in laughter and a feel-good time, the topics are something to consider for all. A question is taken from the listeners who seeks advice on life or love. M gives her power coaching thoughts, while the girls give their opinion and our lucky male gives a man’s POV. The cast takes on one vocabulary word to see who knows it and its meaning while listeners and cast learn together!

The Mayor and Sweet Jane's slot car hobby addiction channel!!


Hi! I'm "The Mayor", won't you join "Sweet Jane" and I on our rookie adventures of this slot car hobby of ours, while we learn and break stuff along the way? Basically, we learned table building, and built two solid 4' x 8' tables after the basement had a small flood and ruined pretty much everything down there. We thought, now that's it's fully renovated (and not 1978 down there any longer) - let's get crazy and use this space? So we did!! It's a 4 lane 4' x 16' with ~68 ft lap length, of mostly AFX Tomy / AutoWorld H.O track complete with Race Coordinator / ViaSue timing, some minor decorating on the track, and a way-cool race room. Overall, it's our fun little project together. We have some other fun things coming down the pipe too!!

Paranormal Videos You may have Missed


Hello. This channel was created for posting old, rare paranormal-themed movies, TV, and home video programs which, in all likelihood, would never again be seen otherwise, to anyone interested, and for archival/nostalgic/preservation purposes. No copyright infringement intended. Feel free to contact the channel directly with any copyright issues, that we might come to an understanding/resolution. Be assured, I do not profit from any of the videos posted here. Comments, questions, suggestions, etc., are welcome; will not hesitate to delete any inappropriate, crass, or disparaging comments, so behave yourselves. Audio-visual anomalies and/or limitations may be evident in some of these videos. Bear in mind: there was no way of knowing that the tapes would survive long enough for their contents to be posted on YouTube someday. Thanks for visiting the channel, and happy viewing!

Truth Defeats Lies


Elizabeth Barret Browning should have written a poem the government and call it, “How Do I Deceive Thee, Let Me Count the Ways”. On almost every level in these times we are being lied to by our politicians, the media, public school indoctrination factories, the medical community and more. Some of the lies are inadvertent and naive because the deliverer has been heavily indoctrinated into the system they represent. But the creators of the lies know exactly what they are doing and why. This channel has been created to uncover the truth which will, by its very nature, defeat the created lies of specific interests who want power over the masses (including cutting some of the numbers of those masses down or depopulation) for their own personal gain and economic benefit. The videos provided are for information only. Do your own research and determine their validity. Nobody has all of the answers except the Creator. So, hey, nothing is perfect, but I won’t post it unless it makes objective sense. You may agree or disagree with it. Makes no matter mind to me, but it will be the truth or far closer to it than what you are getting from our institutions and governments.