The Small Business Show


The Small Business Show is a video series and podcast to discuss all things related to small business. Running a small business can be hard, there is so much to learn and to know. However you are not alone. We feature successful entrepreneurs and experts in their industry. Learn the tips and tricks about running a small business. Connect with other like-minded entrepreneurs like yourself, improve your workflow and work more efficiently. We tackle topics like sales, marketing, branding, networking, website design and more.

Early Genesis, The Revealed Cosmology


Author Mark Moore discusses topics related to the Christ-Centered model for early Genesis as described in his book "Early Genesis, the Revealed Cosmology". This could be considered a "neo-fundalmentalist" interpretation as it takes a high view of the text but maintains that the traditional narrative about what the text is saying is mistaken in several important points. The early church adopted the Jewish view of the material when it should have been re-interpreted in the light of Christ.

Animal biology


Hi and welcome to Animal Channel! This channel features some of the most incredible animals in their natural habitat, we try to bring you the most interesting clips of animals in their natural behaviour, such as the eternal war of lions and hyenas, lions and cape buffalo, wolves hunting bison and elk and other incredible wild animal behaviour. Simultaneously we also bring you some of the more relaxed animal films that feature the natural beauty of animals, including beautiful birds such as the birds of paradise, flamingos, tanagers and other incredible birds with relaxing music background. Over all we try our best to deliver to you a satisfying animal experience that will enhance your affection and love towards these incredible creatures. We send your our best and stay wild my friends.

Hive Mall: Your One-Stop Shop for Unique Finds and Exclusive Brands Verified


Discover a world of curated shopping at Hive Mall! We've revolutionized online retail by bringing together a diverse range of exclusive shops under one virtual roof. From quirky gifts to essential lifestyle products, Hive Mall offers a unique shopping experience tailored to your tastes. Whether you're searching for the perfect gift, upgrading your fitness routine, or treating yourself to something special, Hive Mall has you covered. With dedicated sections for both men and women, finding what you need has never been easier. Experience the convenience of multi-brand shopping with the charm of boutique stores. Visit Hive Mall today at and discover why we're becoming the go-to destination for savvy online shoppers. Join the hive of happy customers – your next favorite product is just a click away!"

Cosmologia Biblica


Seja bem vindo à Cosmologia Bíblica. Neste canal você terá uma nova experiência com as escrituras sagradas. Uma interpretação bíblica à luz da real cosmovisão do nosso plano terrestre. Te convido a contemplar a palavra do criador dos céus e da terra dando mais credibilidade aos escritos deixados através de muito sacrifício. Adorar único e exclusivamente à YHWH o Deus criador que enviou seu único filho Cristo o Messias para resgatar a humanidade da condenação eterna. Ednardo Sabino

Historiando Axé com Tom Oloorê


O Canal Historiando Axé é um canal de Candomblé, voltado a falar da História do Candomblé, História das Religiões de Matriz Africana e da Cultura Negra e Filosofia Afro-brasileira. O canal Historiando Axé tem o intuito de trazer um pouco da história, da cultura, da tradição e da filosofia religiosa do candomblé e das demais religiões de matriz africana. Trazendo à tona assuntos e questões pertinentes ao povo de axé, esclarecendo dúvidas e respondendo os porquês da religião e da tradição do povo de axé. Tom Oloorê é Bàbálòrìṣà, Historiador e pesquisador das religiões de matriz africana, iniciado no candomblé desde 2003 e Bàbálòrìṣà do Ilé Ẹgbẹ́ Àṣẹ Ìmọ́lẹ̀ Olóore.