John Lazenby Fine Art


Art Lessons: Graphite Portraiture Whether you're a complete beginner or someone wanting to improve your drawing skills I can help you. My aim is to give you the skills and confidence required to sell your art. I can help you to familiarise yourself with very simple techniques and enable you to put them in to practice. You need determination, patience and time to practice. There's no reason why you shouldn't be producing really good drawings within a year or less.

Nature by Terrablaze1


This @terrablaze1 account, which has two channels (Terrablaze1Nature and Terrablaze1Travel), aims to send out #positivevibes and #optimism through videos of #nature and anything #natural to achieve #enjoyment, #positivity, #fun, and #peace. The channels share #videos on nature and things natural, including the #weather, #animals, #wildlife, #plants, #placestovisit, #environment, and #more. Let’s travel, explore, experience, and feel. As a #producer and #contentcreator, @terrablaze1 strives to #create #content for your #entertainment & #enjoyment. Welcome to @terrablaze1. To thank #viewers and #subscribers, @terrablaze1 will do their best to post at least one video per day. Please leave a #comment, #like, #share and #subscribe. Thank you for your #support.