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Assalamu alaikum friends welcome to Babar Autos All bike Repairing & Restoration petrol generator repairing all bike spare parts bike Review & bike parts Review Motorcycle Repairing tips NEW&USED&ANTIQUE & MODIFIED BIKES VIDEOS. Bikes Review & DETAIL BIKES COMPARISON VIDEOS OF ALL BRANDsDETAIL BIKES COMPARISON VIDEOS OF ALL BRANDS IN PAKISTAN OR INTERNATIONAL. all bike mechanics & Full Briefing & Details subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thank You

CrunchLabs Founder


Former NASA engineer. Current CrunchLabs founder and friend of science. Answers to some common questions: 1) I make a monthly toy we build together on a video, that gets delivered to your house that teaches you to think like an engineer. Check it out at- 2) I studied Mechanical Engineering in School. I did my undergrad at BYU and Masters at USC. 3) I worked for NASA JPL for 9 years, 7 of which were working on the Curiosity Rover (I made a video about it you should def totes watch cause it's probably my favorite of all my videos). Then I made some Halloween costumes. Then I worked for Apple in their Special Projects Group doing Product Design as a Mechanical Engineer for 5 years. Then in 2022 I created CrunchLabs to deliver monthly toys that teach you to think like an engineer.

Nikola Tesla Brasil


Objetivo do canal Nikola Tesla Brasil, é ressaltar a importância do maior inventor visionário de todos os tempos, dando lhe todo o crédito e a devida importância e a continuação também de seu legado, para os que são admiradores de seu trabalho, possam ainda cada vez mais lhe conhecer, ficando impressionado com seus feitos, contribuição para humanidade, e para aqueles que ainda não os conhecer que fiquem cada vez mais maravilhados pela sua genialidade, conhecimento, sabedoria e filosofia de vida. "Para nos conhecermos devemos ir além da esfera de nossas percepções sensoriais." ― Nikola Tesla