Dr. HermanSJr. (Founder - Platinum Sciences: Institute For Step-Change)


DrHermanSJr.com | PlatinumSciences.com | DrhermanSJr.carrd.co | linktr.ee/DrHermanSJr Dr. HermanSJr. (AA, BA, BMsc, MA, MMsc, MpsyD) is the American-born, internationally sought-after Global Change Agent, Doctor of Metaphysical Psychology, and scholar who consults/trains +100k entities (e.g. Fortune 100, universities, entrepreneurship accelerators/incubators, chambers of commerce, doctors, lawyers, scientists, engineers, police, athletes, artists/creatives, and many others) across countries, industries, and languages; consultant who continues to collectively generate +$20M in clientele's revenue; Harvard University-published writer; ten-time author (eight solo, two contributor) whose work is accepted into the collection of the US Library of Congress and used in educational entities worldwide; writer of +50 academic, business, and research papers; interviewed as an expert +40 times on media worldwide in various languages (including MSN, YAHOO!, and Best Life [of Galvanized Media]); awardee of six university degrees (one Doctorate, two Masters, two Bachelors, one Associates); instructor/judge at multiple universities/academies worldwide; business advisor/judge/mentor at entrepreneurship incubators/accelerators worldwide; Psychological/Systems Consultant for an international cyber investigation company to Fortune 100 and federal law enforcement; Distinguished Special Advisor to an international university-level academy; consultant/trainer in system optimization (for businesses and individuals) utilizing unorthodox holistic-thinking to break down highly complex atmospheres and unveil interconnected, simple, in-depth, cheap, short- and long-range solutions to quickly cultivate step-change across all landscapes, regardless of people’s backgrounds or goals—the mindset/method used by history’s greatest thinkers (composed of what he calls “The System of Interconnectivity” and “Psychological Strategy”). Note: Many videos are "raw", not created to be fancy or professional-grade, and some are older. However, the message is the focus in all videos, so will forever remain valid and immediately applicable.

The Latin Metal Crew


La casa para todo el metal latinoamericano, con su host Pablangas. Tendremos nuevos lanzamientos mensuales, con todas las novedades del death metal, thrash metal, black metal y demases. Tambien tenemos la METAL WIKIPEDIA, donde podras saber todo sobre tus artistas y bandas preferidas del mundo del heavy metal. Y muchas secciones mas, como Armando Bardo, donde veremos mis opiniones sobre las mejores/peores cosas de nuestro metal, y podremos abrir el debate a algo tan subjetivo como nuestros propios gustos.



🔥NOTICIAS 🔥 GUIAS🔥GAMEPLAYS 🔥 ANÁLISIS 🔥 STREAMS 🔥 Y MUCHO MÁS 🔥 ¡Bienvenid@ a 2playermx donde tu eres mi segundo jugador! Si has llegado hasta aquí es porque quieres mejorar en algún juego, quieres informarte sobre la industria de los videojuegos ,quieres ver si un juego vale la pena o más. Aquí encontrarás todo lo necesario para que mejores en tu juego favorito, las mejores estrategias y sobre todo un gran humor para que te diviertas en cada uno de los vídeos. ¡No pierdas mas tiempo, SUSCRÍBETE AHORA MISMO y conviértete en mi segundo jugador!