The Critical Wranker


Welcome all, thankyou for anyone that watches my videos. I'm a massive fan of gaming, especially retro games, and I'm looking forward to covering all the great games I loved. I have history in the gaming sphere, in the late 90's I started and ran one of the top Final Fantasy fan sites on the web, as geeky as that sounds, it used to get 10,000 unique views EVERYDAY, which back then was a lot. I have been a firefighter for 16 years and now have the itch to make some form of content again. Hopefully I can make videos you feel are worth watching, and get the joy that I got back in the 90s.

Knight Light


JOIN THE MOVEMENT! Knight Light is a prophetic Ministry. Our mission is to awaken, unite and ignite God's people, and to encourage them to carry His light to the world. A God Awakening is the only thing that will save America. There is so much work to be done. It's important for us to be aware of the dark schemes against our nation and to get involved. But most of all, we need to seek the face of God for His empowerment because we're facing an agenda that is beyond human ability. With all we are facing as a nation, we need an anchor to hold on to. We can try to overcome this through the political process. We can volunteer at the polls, run for office, and many more things, but without God's empowerment, nothing will bring us to the solution we desire. We are gathering God's army to pray and hold prophetic services that include prophetic worship. We are planning events and outreaches including AWAKEN, IGNITE, & UNITE - AMERICA! Rallies, evangelistic crusades, and conferences. We are calling the bride to join the army of God that will carry the greatest awakening the world has ever seen. Join us on Telegram: Join our Facebook group: Join us on Telegram: