Investor Talk - Commodities, commodity investments and general daily news


All contributions were created by M & M Consult UG (haftungsbeschränkt) for the purpose of investor information. The contributions do not represent a recommendation to buy or sell the discussed companies or a recommendation to use the service of the presented company and it is pointed out that M & M Consult UG (haftungsbeschränkt) does not assume any liability for possible financial losses. Every investment is risky up to a possible total loss and every viewer/listener is responsible for his own investment decisions. Consult your investment advisor.



Somos a maior plataforma de educação, informação e inteligência do mercado financeiro. Nosso propósito é proporcionar aos milhares de membros que participam da plataforma, e a milhões de brasileiros, o mesmo nível de acesso à informação e inteligência de mercado dos grandes investidores institucionais. Nossa missão é ser uma das maiores plataformas de comunicação e educação financeira do mundo e nosso principal ativo está na relação de confiança com estes milhares de clientes. Baixe agora o nosso app:

Investigative Veteran - Pursuit of Truth


I am Sammiejo, a single mom, veteran, with close to 100k in education, and I am absolutely fudgesticks done with the A$$hats and Twatwaffle$ of the world! Those peeps must be found guilty for the crimes, so that we can ensure our children's future! Join #ThePrismMindset movement to expose the truth! Recommend you unfollow me on Instagram, Facebook, & TikTok. I will be leaving these unhealthy platforms shortly for good and advise for your own health you do so as well! Find me here: Twitter: @sammiejo_eh Discord: | Twitch: @sammiejo_eh Getter: @sammiejoraw Rumble: @sammiejoraw Got something you wanna share with the world? A juicy story you want me investigate? Or anything else you wanna say to me directly, please feel free to email me at | This email address is completely secure with end-to-end encryption and I highly recommend everyone switching their email to Proton Mail. I am in the process and soon all my emails will be with them.