Rachel + Serenity Speak


We are Rachel & Serenity: born in different countries, yet both born into human trafficking with overlapping experiences. This organised abuse has manifested in many forms throughout our lives & CONTINUES TODAY in the UK. Systemic abuse & corruption in some way has a hand in every single person's life on the planet. By exposing the methods of trafficking & the perpetrators, we demonstrate how such pervasive life-control is made possible. We are dedicated to exposing EVERYTHING & initiating a global movement. The information & evidence provided is to enable everyone to make better choices and take revolutionary action. WE ARE STILL BEING TRAFFICKED BY THE GOVERNMENT & ITS HIDDEN ELITE NETWORK TODAY. Only with your support do we have a chance to survive and exit this abuse! 🙏🏼 By coming together can we can end the epidemic of human trafficking & systemic abuse worldwide! We implore each of you to take an honest & informed look at the evil you are certain to witness in your life-- and take a stand with us! 🚨 Stay up to date with our mission & subscribe to our other channels 🚨 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 https://linktr.ee/rsspeak 💲 DONATE 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 https://www.givesendgo.com/helpsurvivors #FreeRachelAndSerenity #RachelAndSerenitySpeak

Follow The Lamb Today


Follow The Lamb Today is an end times ministry that strives to teach the faith that was once delivered to the saints. Please contact us for questions concerning the Word, the narrow path that leads to life, and how it all relates to the times that we are living in. This channel is not funded by any outside sources and donations are not accepted. Please give to the ones in need (Matthew 25:34-36/40). If this channel has blessed you, please pass it along to others that thirst for the truth.