JoHannes | Wingsuit


Hi, my name is Johannes, I come from Austria and my passion is wingsuit flying... On this channel, I will mainly be uploading my point of view in the highest quality, giving you the closest experience to flying wingsuits as possible. I really appreciate your support and would be grateful for any subscribers. If you're interested in collaborating, flying together or have any questions, feel free to reach out at or contact me on Instagram. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you enjoy my mountain flying videos!

Between Chaos and the Infinite

1 Follower

Between Chaos and the Infinite marks a brand new era where we are focusing on more Miguel Skyclad' Caos Infinito English content and products for expanding our content internationally. Miguel Skyclad' Caos Infinito started out as a page completely in Portuguese on Esotericism that offers a wide range of "Writings and Articles" (which Demystify Esoteric Doctrines), Exclusive Decks and Online Courses and Workshops. Nowadays, we are gradually transferring our contents to our YouTube channel, with multiple novelties such as the review of Portuguese esoteric magazines.