OffGridEnclave -


OffGridEnclave is an international hub for information, technology, human skill and culture around the subject of living self sufficient. The level of real freedom correlates directly with dependencies. Most societies shift towards more and more dependencies. We would like to help you counter that. OffGridEnclave shows the possibilities how to reduce dependencies and increase your and your families long term security, living standard and sustainability. We invite people of all cultures, social standards, income levels, and most important of all professions to have a conversation and exchange ideas and concepts. Web:​ Discord:



My channel has one simple goal, to motivate you, to give you that little push you need to go after your dreams. Here you will find motivational videos that fit in all areas of life, not just one. If you also like to read articles related to self improvement and motivation you can visit our website which has grown to be one of the leading personal development websites in the world. ----------------------------------------------------- Video schedule: Brand New Videos - Every 1st day of the Month. ----------------------------------------------------- MotivationGrid is the official YouTube channel of our website - When life knocks you down, we pick you up.

Jeff Hertzog / Jeff Hertzog Radio Verified


Low Carb & Sugar Free Health Freedom Survived Nursing Home Abuse in 2018 Theme: #LowCarbohydrate and #SugarFree #Health Freedom! Survivor of Nursing Home Abuse from 2018 - Became Public Figure on that issue! Disabled & Handicapped! Called to Preach Judgment on Apostate #America: Independent Non-Denominational, Non-Affiliated #Bible Believer, Preacher and Teacher. Preaching on Judgement on a once great nation now fallen apostate as well as taking the Professing #Christians to the Woodshed! #SatietyRules #carnivore #carnivorediet #lowcarb #nocarb #nocarbs #keto #ketodiet #yes2meat #meatheals #ProperHumanDiet #beef #eggs #butter #realfood #NSNG (No Sugar No Grains) #NotVegan #salt I only vote Constitutional Independents or 3rd Parties; I do not vote Democrats nor Republicans! I do NOT vote #Democrats or #Republicans #GOP #Rino ONLY 3rd Party/#Constitutional #Independents - Preaching #Judgement on Apostate Nation, #America - #kjv #kingjamesbible #TextusReceptus Websites: Main Website - Internet Radio Website - Jeff Hertzog Radio -