

Is your injured body preventing you from weightlifting, running, Crossfit, yoga, general fitness, deadlifting, squatting, or being with your personal trainer? You are in the right place! Dr. Sebastian and Dr. Dawne are "locally world-famous chiropractors" in Costa Mesa, Orange County CA. Not really but really! :) On this channel, you can expect only the most effective strength exercises, stretches, corrective exercises, and rehabilitation methods on Youtube. Our topics of interest range from lower back pain, piriformis syndrome, hip flexor syndrome, groin pain, hip impingement, SI Joint sprains, muscle spasms, shoulder blade ache, neck pain, and much more. If you have an ache, pain, spasm, shooting, stabbing, throbbing, or numbness in your low back, hip, shoulder, neck, spine, thigh, knee, foot, or ankle we have some great home exercises and self-tests. We are located in Costa Mesa CA. Search "chiropractors near me" in the cities of Newport Beach, Costa Mesa.

Comprehensive Cancer Information


Cancer is a complex disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells in the body. These cells can form tumors, invade nearby tissues and organs, and even spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream or lymphatic system. There are many different types of cancer, and each one has its unique set of risk factors, symptoms, and treatments. Some of the most common forms of cancer include breast, lung, prostate, and colorectal cancer, but there are also less common forms such as lymphoma and leukemia. Although cancer is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease, advances in medical research and treatment have led to significant improvements in survival rates and quality of life for many patients.

Cristão Transformado


Se você deseja ser uma pessoa cheia do Espírito Santo e crescer no relacionamento com Deus esse é o canal certo para você. O Canal Cristão Transformado tem como propósito ajudar você a crescer espiritualmente, fortalecer sua fé e leva-lo a alcançar um novo nível de maturidade na vida cristã. Aqui você encontra mensagens curtas e profundas que tem como propósito nos tornar cada vez mais parecidos com Cristo como Paulo disse: “ Tornem-se meus imitadores, como eu o sou de Cristo.“ (1Coríntios 11:1). Com vídeos postados de segunda a sexta, você pode aproveitar o conteúdo do nosso canal para enriquecer seu devocional diário e desenvolver uma relação mais íntima com Deus. Junte-se a nós se inscrevendo no canal. Seja bem-vindo e aproveite todo o conteúdo disponível para você. 😊 Compartilhe as mensagens do canal com aqueles que o Espírito Santo colocar em seu coração. Curta nossos vídeos para que o evangelho chegue a mais pessoas. (Marcos 16:15)