Dejair informatica


Português Brasil A informática é uma das áreas de conhecimento mais importantes da atualidade. Ela está presente nos celulares de última geração e automóveis, vemos vídeos e anúncios de produtos na Internet, utilizamos sistemas de localização e aparelhos domésticos inteligentes. Ganhamos comodidade, segurança e eficiência. Inglês Computer science is one of the most important areas of knowledge today. It is present in the latest generation cell phones and cars, we watch videos and product advertisements on the Internet, we use location systems and smart home appliances. We gain convenience, security and efficiency.

The De-escalation Coach


Why is De-escalation so important? No one wants to see an individual in our care escalate towards crisis. What’s needed is a plan and toolkit of de-escalation strategies to call upon when we recognise the individual is spiralling. These tools can help regulate the emotions driving the behaviours, reduce risk, and ensure they feel supported. An individual can show heightened levels of arousal and signs of anxiety. They may have their hands over ears, be hiding or withdrawing, rocking or tapping, or perhaps refusing to do what they have asked. Some individuals will have much more subtle signs that they are beginning to feel agitated. We can play detective to spot these signs and recognise patterns in their behaviour to better understand why they feel distressed and how we can best support them. Often these behaviours are “low level”, however, if we do not respond to them, they may develop into crisis.

Le DESQ - Cour de la loi naturelle

21 Followers Département d'Étude sur la Souveraineté du peuble au Québec. ÉTHIQUE Le DESQ se veut d’être avant tout un regroupement de femmes et d’hommes qui analysent et réfléchissent à propos du concept : d’être un souverain ; ainsi que de son statut légal au vu des structures sociales et juridiques de notre société québécoise et canadienne. Dans un souci d’unir et de rassembler, avec un esprit cordial accompagné d’honnêteté intellectuelle, les membres de ce DESQ se proposent avec sincérité, authenticité, intégrité et détermination d’en apprendre toujours davantage sur la nature du sujet, d’en comprendre et maîtriser les rouages… » L‘ignorance est le début de la servitude » » La connaissance est une délivrance de la conscience » VOCATION D’amorcer une compréhension et une démarche afin de se ressaisir de son propre NOM donné à la naissance…