Dennis From Scratch


If you’re tired of being sick and tired… then welcome home. We were tired too. Chronic migraines, debilitating seasonal allergies, lactose intolerance, food allergies, etc. were all part of our life. And it sucked. We knew there had to be a better way to live. So we got busy learning. Fast forward almost 15 years and (if I do say so myself) we’re kinda experts now. But fun fact: we’ve also been censored on YouTube for talking about baby food. So Rumble it is! Get ready to learn about REAL food that is 100% "disapproved" by big pharma, the government & YouTube. I’m talking about drinking raw milk; eating loads of butter and lard; butchering chickens in your own backyard; and so much more. Reach out in the comments if you’re serious about taking your health to the next level!



Welcome to my channel, in this Channel we learn and make new things. here you will find many helpful videos about various knot skills, fun and easy ways to make a bracelet, necklace, earrings & other accessories, lacing sneakers & etc. Subscribe for more content and share this Channel. Thank you Bienvenidos a mi canal, En este canal aprendemos y hacemos cosas nuevas. aquí encontraras muchos videos útiles sobre varias habilidades de nudo, formas divertidas y fácil para hacer pulseras, collares, aretes (pendientes) y otros accesorios, cordones de zapatillas & etc. Suscríbete para más contenido y comparte este canal. Gracias The channel is being completed...