Cooking Easy Recipes


Hello my name is Eva, I love to cook simple and delicious recipes, quick recipes, meat dishes, salads, fish dishes, vegan dishes, and cheap meals. I prepare all the recipes for my family. I have no culinary education, but I love to cook and I have no rules in the kitchen. Here I share my recipes, try new ones and experiment with old ones. I am sharing with you only proven delicious recipes. ATTENTION ! INCLUDE subtitles for yourself. All videos on the «This is Tasty» channel with descriptions and recipes in your own language will be translated with the help of a Google translator. Subscribe if you enjoy creating in the kitchen too! Don't forget to turn on new video notifications so you don't miss any new videos. Thanks for the comments and likes! I am very glad that you are with me!

Cooking with Sros


We are Cooking with Sros and we decide to move our contents to Rumble. I hope you guy love it. Hi my beloved visitors and subscribers. My name is Sros. I am here to serve all of you with food cooking recipe such as modern recipe, popular recipes, family scale recipes, seafood recipe, rustic recipe, and other yummy recipe in my location. Actually, I am not a professional chef, yet I would like to try to share homemade food to the world and the other food visitors to know about my food style and process which I discovered and learned since I was a child with my mom, relative and neighbors. All video are copied right by Cooking With Sros.