

Introducing "The Danger Close Alpha Podcast" – a gripping podcast set in a fictional dystopian world of 2084. Join us as we dive into a society divided between blind followers and daring Seekers, all in the backdrop of a reality where truth is a long-forgotten concept. In this immersive series, we explore the gripping tale of a world suffocated by power and control. Cancel culture runs rampant, personal freedoms are extinct, and a once-vibrant society has been reduced to mere followers and leaders. "The Fold," a group that seemingly possesses everything, has given up their personal freedoms in exchange for convenience and security. DANGER CLOSE ALPHA… JOIN THE MOVEMENT…. GET ON BOARD… EDUCATE YOURSELVES AND RESIST BEING A PART OF THE FOLD… BE A SEEKER…. QUESTION EVERYTHING, TRUST NOTHING!

Reclaiming Rest Verified


An unworthy, ordinary saint/sinner on mission to encourage his weary brothers and sisters to rest in The worthy Christ and The extraordinary Gospel. No longer aligning with pietistic Christianity (esp. the separatist fundamentalist stripe) and pre-mil dispensationalism as I (Justin) did from 2009-2020, the content of this channel chronicles [imperfect] thoughts which reflect what I'm learning on my journey into the world of reformed theology and doctrine. My journey began in March 2020 while reading "A Pilgrim's Guide to Rest," a book written by the members of OG Theocast. Categorically, I'm a reformed Baptist and affirm the 1689 London Baptist Confession. Please note that I am not a counselor, a church elder, or a pastor. book: https://www.amazon.com/Pilgrims-Guide-Rest-Theocast-ebook/dp/B07W11ZN3P confession: https://founders.org/library/1689-confession Theocast: https://www.theocast.org