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The Age of Information


Formerly "Yer Talkin Over Me! w/ Adam Patrick", we take a deep dive down the rabbit hole into the intersection of Orthodoxy and modernity. Throughout human civilization, we have continued our fall. Worldly possessions and a lack of meaning have deeply weakened the human race. Are we ready to embrace a new age? Have we considered that this is just the same Story, told time and time again? We have already been provided the answers. Here we will discuss how to apply them, both in theory and in practice.

Middle-Aged Muscle Man Musician: Diet, Training and Supplementation


"Middle Aged Muscle Man Musician" (Professor Pump) is a channel created by Don Verb that gives weight training and overall fitness advice, suggested training programs and their results, dietary tips, supplement reviews, exercise descriptions and more. Our target audience is men over the age of 30 but our information is good for just about anyone. As of this writing, it's been just over nine months since I started my fitness journey and I've lost over 60 lbs and built a respectable amount of muscle. You will be following me on my journey and seeing the results in REAL time that my knowledge and effort can achieve. My goal is to SAVE YOU TIME, MONEY and ENERGY ... I've tried nearly everything and seen all of the 'science' proven or disproven since the 90s. I'm 41 Years of Age, with Countless Injuries and Limited Time & Money. Therefore, I'm attempting to prove that REAL muscle building can be done at any age and in any circumstance!