Σigma Wave


The vision of the future presented by the 80s aesthetic never materialized, and that is why we look back with sadness, but also comfort because the promise of the future from a bygone era is now an escape from the future that actually came to be... So we present to you two overlapping trends that have been incorporated which may be summarized as the future as seen from the past and the past as seen from the future. Now sit back and enjoy the electric haze of the 1980s, discover a haven of retro and future dreams. This is a collection of Synthwave music to help you escape anxiety, bid stress farewell, and immerse yourself in a world of a once past future. As you embark on a journey through the retro-futuristic landscapes of the '80s, let the tunes transport you to a time of neon dreams, to the future that could have been and still can be. 🎧 Don't forget to the Follow and hit the Notification Bell to ensure you never miss a moment of musical adrenalin. 🎵

Big Player Canal


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