

Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. An award winning film maker, she is also known for her controversial conceptual art project ArtBeings, and her design of the talismanic PreetiMirror. At the cutting edge of the trajectory of human transformation, Maharishikaa Preeti’s profound teachings about Self-realization have shown countless individuals how to measurably reduce suffering by directly connecting to the Soul within. In happenings called PRESENCE, the Maharishikaa brings processes that reveal to seekers how to act from the Soul’s impulse rather than from the command of the ego. Thus seekers turn into finders who concretely experience the joyousness in being alive. In India, she is addressed with the title of Maharishikaa, Sanskrit for great seer and knower - in female form. Preeti, the name she was given at birth, is Sanskrit for love.

Dave Reale's Area 51


Checks out our new store that's fun merchandise for the whole family here! BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE AND JOIN PATREON BELOW! SUBSCRIBE: 👽 SUPPORT THE SHOW BY BECOMING A PATRON for $1.00 A MONTH About Dave Reale's Area 51: Come journey across the universe in this fun filled alien comedy series! Our goal is to help entertain people with our beautiful animation, intellectual comedy and out of this world space laughter with entertaining alien cartoon characters and jokes. All will enjoy our friendly funny characters and interesting humorous stories. Check out our new store that's fun merchandise for the whole family here! You can check us out here also on Facebook: Want to help us support David Reale's Area 51? 👽 My NFTs are now available for sale on OpenSea: 👽 SUPPORT THE SHOW BY BECOMING A PATRON for $1.00 A MONTH 👽 ALL PATRONS QUALIFY TO WIN $1000 If I earn $15,000 a month from my Patreon Supporters, I will give a $1,000 Cash Prize to a select Patreon Member every month. 👽 WIN $100 OF FREE MERCHANDISE One Patreon member will be chosen to Win $100 in Area 51 merchandise. 👽 BUY OUR GEAR & SUPPORT THE SHOW! Check out all my Area 51 Merchandise: 👽 BECOME A FACEBOOK FAN: Thank you to all my fans for Subscribing and becoming a Patreon Supporter! -David Reale 👽 SUPPORT THE SHOW BY BECOMING A PATRON for $1.00 A MONTH 👽 ALL PATRONS QUALIFY TO WIN $1000 If I earn $15,000 a month from my Patreon Supporters, I will give a $1,000 Cash Prize to a select Patreon Member every month. 👽 WIN $100 OF FREE MERCHANDISE One Patreon member be chosen to Win $100 in Area 51 merchanwilldise. 👽 BUY OUR GEAR & SUPPORT THE SHOW! Check out all my Area 51 Merchandise: 👽 BECOME A FACEBOOK FAN: Thank you to all my fans for Subscribing and becoming a Patreon Supporter! -David Reale

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