🔴 ISABEL CUERVO-PERIODISTA INVESTIGATIVA, PREMIO EMMY 2015 EN LA CATEGORIA DE PREOCUPACION SOCIAL. 🔴 ISABEL CUERVO es la periodista que se atrevió a desafiar al magnate financiero George Soros, cuando en 2018 sacó al aire su famoso reportaje investigativo "George Soros y su incidencia en Latinoamérica"; cinco meses después fue calificada de antisemita por el potentado millonario, quien exigió respuestas del medio de noticias USAGM. Isabel Cuervo terminó siendo censurada, amordazada, acosada y despedida, por la misma cadena de TV del gobierno de los EE.UU. para la que trabajaba (USAGM-TV Martí), quien también la sometió a investigación federal. Ahora Isabel ha comenzado a revelar todos los nombres, instituciones e intereses ocultos conectados con Soros, tras su caso de evidente censura a la libre expresión y a la libertad de prensa, en el país de las libertades civiles.

National Socialist Black Metal


NSBM/Black Metal/Neofolk/RAC/Classical/Dark Electronic/Witchhouse from European nations. Currently putting the stuff from my odysee channel here. Much more stuff on Odysee: https://odysee.com/@whitemuzak:4 SLSK Username: whitemuzak "He who loses the arts loses the culture" --Francis Schaeffer “We have art in order not to die of the truth.” –- Friedrich Nietzsche “Music is the answer to the mystery of life. The most profound of all the arts, It expresses the deepest thoughts of life.” -- Arthur Schopenhauer Sun Wheel on the Helmet of Steel Once shone the European Sky The smashing force of hellborn beast The will that no one could resist In Fire The spirit was Born In Fire All weakness has gone... In Fire The battle took place In Fire We forged our Race Legions of Vengeance are growing fast... Proudly return from glorious past The time has cured deep bleeding scars And our sun again will Rise... --Capricornus "Sunwheel on the Helmet of Steel" From a National Socialist pamphlet titled "Americanization would mean the end of Europe!" 1943: "Small and great cultura achievements that we have inherited from past generations and further developed would be taken from us, because the enemy envies them. Jews would once again take over all areas of life and the witches’ dance that we eliminated in Germany in 1933 would return to an even greater degree. Everything holy to us would be mocked: Mother, heroes, God, Glorification of the Negro. Women transformed to girls, Filth and smut for children and adults. Corruption of all areas of culture and life. The arts and sciences will lose their place to the pure practicality of architecture and technology and there will no longer be music in Mozart’s sense. Only one civilization, the American, will rule the world".



VIDEO DEL PERIODO DEL GOVERNO DEMOCRATICO DEL 46°PRESIDENTE USA PEDO JOE BIDEN SVOLTO DAL GENNAIO 2021 AL DICEMBRE 2024 cagacazzi e rompicoglioni non sono graditi sul canale e verranno costantemente bannati da esso..se volete cagacazzare andate su youtube o andate su altri canali,che internet è grande..grazie MERDALIA💩 è REPUBBLICA DELLE BANANE per queste caratteristiche: una repubblica delle banane ha una società di classi sociali estremamente stratificate,di solito una grande classe operaia impoverita e una plutocrazia della classe dominante,composta dalle élite economiche,politiche e militari.La classe dominante controlla il settore primario dell'economia attraverso lo sfruttamento del lavoro;,il termine repubblica delle banane è un descrittore peggiorativo per un'oligarchia servile che favorisce e sostiene,per tangenti,lo sfruttamento dei lavoratori,delle imprese e l'elusione fiscale all'estero su larga scala https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_republic Una repubblica delle banane è un paese con un'economia di capitalismo di stato,in cui il paese è gestito come un'impresa commerciale privata per il profitto esclusivo della classe dominante I video hanno lo scopo di intrattenere ed informare la gente.. il presidente della Repubblica italiana ha detto:"Va sempre rammentato che i giornalisti si trovano ad esercitare una funzione di carattere costituzionale che si collega all'art.21 della nostra Carta fondamentale, con un ruolo democratico decisivo. Si vanno infittendo, negli ultimi tempi, contestazioni, intimidazioni, se non aggressioni, nei confronti di giornalisti, che si trovano a documentare fatti. Ma l'informazione è esattamente questo Art. 21 COSTITUZIONE TUTTI hanno DIRITTO di manifestare LIBERAMENTE il PROPRIO pensiero CON la PAROLA,lo SCRITTO e OGNI ALTRO MEZZO DI DIFFUSIONE https://www.senato.it/application/xmanager/projects/leg18/file/DICHIARAZIONE_diritti_umani_4lingue.pdf https://www.senato.it/sites/default/files/media-documents/Costituzione.pdf CANALE DI VIDEO PLAYLIST SU YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@merdalia-repubblicadellebanane CANALE RUMBLE VIDEO DEL PERIODO DEL GOVERNO REPUBBLICANO DEL 47°PRESIDENTE USA DONALD JOHN TRUMP DAL GENNAIO 2025: https://rumble.com/c/ITALIAILPAESEDIMERDADELLEBANANE

The Broke Capitalist


"As an author, I try to write stuff people never thought they\'d live to read." Me. A link to my book Our Two Societies. amzn.to/2Rysyko A link to the audio version of Our Two Societies. https://amzn.to/2FBMBwQ A link to the first book in my new historical fantasy fiction series called Ideas in Blood https://amzn.to/2Qo8OAi I am not affiliated with this organization but I love their mission www.endslaverynow.org We have choices. Capitalism or Socialism -- Success or Failure Social -- Equality or Social Justice We can be inclusive and enjoy our liberty and freedom together or let Marxist socialist groups like BLM tear us apart. I employ the very kind-hearted SJW\'s to learn some real history. Hanout out her with me the Broke Capitalist and you will hear some real US history and real Black history. You may also end up doing what I did and just walk away. I believe that misinformation or disinformation about our collective history is directly or indirectly responsible for keeping an unnecessary and harmful chasm within America’s society and other societies around the globe. To our detriment, it has kept our focus on inconsequential differences and not focused on things we all have in common. #capitalismvssocialism #freedom #liberty #blackhistory #Americanhistory #captialism #socialism #sjwowned #sjwcring #blmmarxist #inclusive #empowerment #motivation #enlightenment #politics #realhistory #history #AndreDavis #ourtwosocieties #ideasinblood #Niac #Marshall #sjw #socialequality #socialjustice #gold #silver #purchasingpower

California Republican Assembly Verified


Since 1935, the California Republican Assembly (CRA) has been working to elect Republican candidates who stand for Republican principles. As California’s oldest and most influential Republican volunteer organization, CRA’s endorsement is a coveted privilege for those candidates who meet our high standards — conservative, principled, electable, and the overwhelming choice of our membership. When CRA endorses a candidate, we are committing volunteers, resources, and our reputation. President Ronald Reagan called the California Republican Assembly, “the conscience of the Republican Party.”

Journey Within Spiritualist Church


The Journey Within is a Spiritualist Church based on the Seven Principles of Spiritualism which provide a philosophy for life. The church is a kindred body of the Spiritualist National Union in the United Kingdom. This Youtube channel will contain segments including the Philosophy of Spiritualism, Demonstrations of Mediumship, supporting our fourth principle, "The Continuous Existence of the Human Soul", and meditations. Reverend Janet Nohavec, a former Roman Catholic nun, is the founder and pastor of the Journey Within Church and School of Mediumship in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey, USA. The people included on these videos are her colleagues. If you feel moved to make a donation we would appreciate it deeply. Thank you very much.