Snakk med Silje


Jeg inviterer interessante personligheter som jeg ønsker å bli bedre kjent med. I tillegg til at gjestene forteller om sitt interessefelt forteller de også hva som gjør at de engasjerer seg i det de gjør, gjerne også hva i livet deres som har bidratt til at de i dag er opptatt av disse tingene og ikke minst hva de føler og tenker om samfunnet og fremtiden. Noe av målet med podcasten er at vi skal forstå hverandre bedre, bringe folk nærmere hverandre, redusere stigma og bidra til at vi blir litt mindre dømmende. ► STØTT SNAKK MED SILJE Jeg setter enormt stor pris på alle som ønsker å støtte podcasten. Det gjør at jeg kan holde podcasten åpen og tilgjengelig for alle. For å gi donasjoner kan du søke opp “Snakk med Silje” i Vipps eller bruke vippsnummer: 806513

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We collect all kinds of funny and lovely videos, mainly about dogs, cats, birds and other animals. We often create interesting and lovely works, such as funny dog dancing, funny and lovely dogs, French puppies, hoarse puppies and other interesting animals. If you like our content, please share, like, and subscribe!

Raw Origins Raw Dog Food


Raw Origins embodies excellence in canine nutrition, offering The Raw Diet: The Best Your Dog Can Get. Committed to providing 100% raw dog food, our formula is free from grain, filler, toxins, chemicals, and nasties, featuring a proprietary blend centered around high-quality beef sourced with care. Designed by a top USA breeder, Marilyn Angelena, their calcium-rich formula supports dogs at all life stages, promoting strong bones and teeth. The convenience of Thaw and Serve – Easy Peasy reflects our commitment to hassle-free feeding. Your dog deserves the best, and Raw Origins delivers optimal nutrition, making it the ideal choice for those who prioritize their furry companion's health and well-being. We ship in the United States.

City Walk Vlogs


A city is a large and densely populated urban area, characterized by its vibrant culture, diverse population, and a wide range of amenities and services. Cities are often economic and cultural hubs, offering opportunities for work, education, entertainment, and social interactions. Travel: Travel is the act of moving from one place to another, typically over a significant distance. It can be for various purposes such as leisure, business, or exploration. Travel broadens horizons, exposes individuals to new cultures and experiences, and often involves planning and adventure. Adventure: Adventure refers to an exciting or unusual experience that often involves a sense of risk or exploration. It can include activities like hiking, climbing, or traveling to uncharted territories. Adventures are about stepping out of one’s comfort zone and embracing the thrill of the unknown.