Anonymous Legion: Team /b/ VS Team /c/

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MKULTRA never stopped & they are winning! So why are you ALL LETTING THEM?! #Illuminati + #Disney + #Freemasons + #NWO + #government + #NIMH Institute + #Trudeau + #Biden + Big Pharma + Canadian Police & Medical Staff + Aberdeen Hospital + Allan Memorial aKa #MKULTRA HQ + #CIA + NS Forensics + the Goler Incest Tribes + the /c/ampbell CLAN brothers + Dalhousie University + my INCEL SYSADMIN French Canadian FROG ex husband = Anonymous Legion (team /c/) = The TEAM leading #PIZZAGATE ! I was born just a 17 hour drive away from the original MKULTRA HQ, over in Montréal, 6 months before my family, the Goler Incest Tribes were exposed by Canadian authorities in 1984, and then quickly swept under the rug! The MKULTRA is extremely guilty of turning MY secret CHILD PØŘŇ projects, into a global heist and a worldwide 40 year long conspiracy that we know today as PIZZAGATE! With denial & lies alone, DISNEY Studios has been getting away with animating a lot of extremely graphic, & sincerely fūçkēd up PøŘŇ since the 90s, at least! ...and they've been doing that for 40 years, at least, right under your noses! Porn is a drug, a very dangerous one... My older Child PøŘŇ producer & profiteer brothers: Jonathan "Evil" Kenneth Campbell, and- Terrence Patrick Campbell PARTNERED with my INCEL French Canadian FROG ex husband: Johnathan Alfred Thibodeau ...a renowned COMPUTER HACKER & SYSADMIN at Dalhousie University- Three FOUNDING MEMBERS of Anonymous Legion, the Hackers of the Deep Web, & its original platform #4CHAN ! QAnon works for the Canadian CIA, & mark my words- This strange GINGER woman, who eerily resembles & mirrors DISNEY Studios #BRAVEst redhead in their (surface, public) animated history, is going to SHUT DOWN this entire worldwide 3 ring circus free for all "nothing is sacred" JĒŘĶ ØFF fūçķfēşt, once & for all! Forty years after this all started in 1984, & I am finally both stable & safe enough to EXPOSE and END these (mind)GAMES led by the MKULTRA. I am determined to get to the TRUTH about MKULTRA & NIMH institute, & why "mental illnesses" & "medications" were created, to begin with! For 12 long years, my ex husband John Thibodeau PRETENDED to CARE about me, & l am pretty well 100% sure that my older brothers were supplying my weirdo ex husband with copies of my Child PøŘŇ videos! ...after l'd graciously pity fūçkēd away his self-created & well-deserved INCELdom & his virginity & then- I even agreed to MARRY that covert, stealthy bābyfūçkēr weirdo! That so-called "man" actually "made love to me" and claimed to "love" me, all while jērk¡nğ øff all over my CHILDHOOD ŞĒXŪĀL ĀBŪSĒ, where I appear as young as 2-3 years old, behind my back! 😬🤢🤮🤷‍♀️ ...2006 was the year I married that INCEL French FROG John Thibodeau, and that fat, ūnfūçkāble weirdo LOCKED IN ME, /b/riona the CP legend of 4Chan herself! So then, think about the 4Chan Habbo Hotel RAIDS in 2006! Pool is CLOSED due to #RACISM, eh?? Well, the backyard POOL at 403 North Provost Street (New Glasgow, NS) will OPEN again soon, boys! #FeelsGoodMan ? 🐸 Get ready to CHAT With a JUDGE in a Supreme Court about all of the POOL PARTIES that the /c/ampbell brothers had with their FRENS... ...passing around my şēx trained child Alter personality, "Subby The TUB TOY" aKa ME, their BABY SISTER /b/riona, like a plate of FRESH MEAT! I am warning you ALL- This "White Privilege" dialogue is HORRIBLY IRONIC rebranded racism! Here's a thinker- The Albino BLACKS of Africa are freely & openly being SLĀŪGHTĒRĒĐ & MŪT¡LĀTĒĐ, IN PUBLIC, IN BROAD DAYLIGHT, AND NO ONE SEEMS TO GIVE ONE FŪČĶ! The MOST disenfranchised BLACK PERSONS are AFRICAN ALBINOS! There's a REASON why RED HAIRED characters in popular media are all suddenly becoming BLACK! They are trying to FOOL US ALL into "believing" that SKIN COLOUR ever made any ĐĀMŇ DIFFERENCE AT ALL! You know what I think is the ONLY PRIVILEGE? Being born into a family unit that cherishes, loves, & values you and doesn't turn your childhood bedroom into a Çh¡łđ PøŘŇ production şēx dungeon for a full decade of your life! Wanna know why the IRISH were considered NON-WHITE?! Then please, head over to my FACEBOOK timeline, & catch up, and WAKE UP! Find me at: Nūll Vøid (GH057) GINGER? Ň¡**ēŘ! BLM = #GLM ! Project Monarch will END 2024-25 (pending) #FeelsBADman ! Expect K. /b/ /c/ aKa Malachi Hyena, SHUNNED by the ENTIRE Furry Fandom since my CSA & CP memories started to return in 2010! Captain Malachi Hyena aKa Furry Jeebus DISPROVES of your ĐØĞ D¡X & Đ¡ĀPĒRŞ! REPENT, OR Ý¡FF in Hēłł for ETERNITY! Katherine Briona Campbell (09.19.1983) See you all, poolside... let's fūçk¡n' PARTY! #MeTooMuch Discord: @null.void.404