We find these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal endowed by their Creator
7 FollowersWelcome to restored California republic 1849
Yoga Class for Healthy Body and Mind
7 FollowersYoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines. It has so many important. In this Channel you can learn different yoga postures for many health problem and it is for 100% free..
Flipping Houses and Pancakes
7 FollowersI am a kosher cookbook author, house flipper, and homeschooling mom of 5
Funnt chanel
7 FollowersOur Mission is to enable conservative and pro-family men and women to participate in the process of self-government and public policy-making so that America will continue to be a land of individual liberty, with respect for the nuclear family, public and private virtue, and private enterprise.
California Travel Tips
7 FollowersHello! My name is Veronica Hill. I was born and raised here in California, and as you might have guessed, I love to travel! Before starting my YouTube channel in 2007, I was a travel writer and journalist, working for such publications as US Magazine/Rolling Stone, Fodor's guidebooks, AP and Freedom News Service. It was only natural for me to make the transition from print to video, and today I enjoy filming the best of California and bring it to you!
7 FollowersNorthern California Nature
7 FollowersBeautiful scenery and wildlife from Northern California.
Funny and interesting videos
7 FollowersHere you will find the best funny and interesting videos.
7 FollowersFlip2Freedom
7 FollowersGreat State of New California SLO
7 FollowersThe Great State of New California in the Central Coast
7 FollowersCANADA LIFE very hard, daily vlog truck driver truck driver truck vlog, please follow me and like and comment, THANK YOU
Craciun Romanesc * Biserica Sf. Treime, Los Angeles California [www.biserica.org]
7 FollowersColinde Romanesti si Americane
7 Followersgaialife
7 FollowersDailyFlip
7 FollowersGETaLIFE!
6 FollowersLearning for Life Being transformed The great awakening Paul Graham Hubbard, based in the UK, in ministry internationally for over 40 years.
6 Followersalifarhan
6 FollowersMihalifza
6 Followersভাই থামেন ✋ ১। এই চ্যানেলের কোনো কন্টেন্টই আমার নিজস্ব না। বিভিন্ন চ্যানেল যেমনঃ @NAKBangla | @UmmahNetwork | @BaseeraMedia সহ আরো অনেক চ্যানেল থেকে ভিডিও নিয়ে এই চ্যানেলের জন্য কন্টেন্ট বানানো হয়। কোন ভিডিও কোথা থেকে নেওয়া হইছে তার ক্রেডিট ডিস্ক্রিপসন বক্সে দেওয়া হয়। উপরন্তু সেই চ্যানেলের লোগো ভিডিওতে এড করা হয়। আবার যেই ভিডিও নেওয়া হইছে সেইটার লিংক End screen ও Cards এ দিয়ে দেওয়া হয়। ২। এই চ্যানেল থেকে এডের মাধ্যমে কোনো রেভিনিউ জেনারেট হয় না। যেহেতু এই চ্যানেলের কোনো ভিডিও এর মালিক আমি না তাই আমার কোনো অধিকার নাই এখান থেকে ইনকাম করার।এই চ্যানেলের জন্য মনিটাইজেশন অফ করা আছে। এর পরেও যদি ভিডিও দেখার সময় এড দেখতে পান সেইটা ইউটিউব এর পলিসির জন্য। জাযাকাল্লাহু খাইরান | আল্লাহ আপনাকে উত্তম প্রতিদান দান করুন | Is it Halal to Earn Money from YouTube Videos? https://islamqa.org/?p=167284 Is it Halal to Earn Money by Creating our own YouTube Channel? — Fariq Zakir Naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryR1gxU6YM4
6 FollowersDisqualified Dads
6 FollowersRaising awareness of the plight of non-resident parents. Mostly fathers who become "disqualified dads". Hi and welcome to the channel. Here at Disqualified Dads, we aim to raise awareness of the harsh social treatment of individuals who are unfortunately mostly fathers. We want to highlight problems such as separation and relationship breakdown, dealing with CMS and the broken family court system which ultimately leads on to physical and mental health issues, as well as financial ruin. We also aim to cover the emotional trauma and turmoil an individual could potentially endure during these experiences through talking to those who have lived through and survived such difficulties. We will also discuss how the desi community tackle these issues. Please subscribe to my channel and click the bell icon to be notified whenever I post. You as an individual have a duty to know the system and be prepared as it could be you going through this one day.
Country a Lifestyle
6 FollowersThe Best Of Country
6 FollowersCaliforniaConstitutionalRightsFoundation
6 FollowersfLiPzQuAd1776
6 Followersshmoke
6 Followersi get high n companies send me things to show you
6 FollowersHuntingisalifestyle
6 FollowersAimaLifeStyle
6 FollowersFlipnoy
6 Followers956flipZ
6 FollowersFlippinJigsTv
6 FollowersFlippinggenius
6 FollowersAsmrEditsbyAlina
6 FollowersFlipside Investing
6 FollowersLearn how to protect and grow your wealth in this upside down world.
6 FollowersI take items I find online or at my favorite local vintage thrift store and repurpose them into something new.