Sargento Fahur Oficial


Sou o Gilson Cardoso Fahur, Natural de Londrina - PR, por 35 anos atuei como policial militar rodoviário. Fui integrante da ROTAM da 4ª Companhia da Polícia Rodoviária Estadual do Paraná, na cidade de Maringá. Me tornei nacionalmente conhecido pelo sucesso nas operações que liderei e também pela linha dura em minhas atuações como policial militar rodoviário, realizei grandes apreensões de entorpecentes que ganharam o noticiário local e nacional. Também me tornei notório pelas declarações enérgicas contra criminosos em entrevistas a reportagens jornalísticas que viralizaram pelas redes sociais, particularmente aquelas contra o narcotráfico. Eu Sargento Fahur sou contra a legalização das drogas, a favor da pena de morte e defendo o direito da população civil a ter posse e porte de armas. Força e Honra !

Great-Martyrs Theodore Recruit and General


Sts. Theodore’s Mission statement: "Enlightening those in darkness" Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ taught us that we are called to be a light to the world. Also by walking in the light of Christ we naturally reaffirm the true Orthodox philotimo (meaning the Holy Spirit guiding a community in its beliefs and aspirations through the contemplation of the Holy Trinity) amongst our brothers and sisters in the Orthodox Church. LINKS: Sts. Theodore Eastern American Diocese Holy Trinity Monastery Orthodox Life Orthodox Wisdom



Quantum Generation® Membership Community - The World's First Decentralized Satellite-Based Quantum Technology. Transforming the New Frontier with the "Quantum Space Revolution" QG® is transformational & will open up new global opportunities that are not controlled by centralized entities and big tech. True privacy and FREEDOM. Quantum Generation® Membership Community is the world's first decentralized satellite-based quantum technology. It harnesses the power of space to securely distribute and share quantum data, making it accessible to everyone, like their Quantum Phone (QPnone™). QG® Space Based Ecosystem is built on quantum technologies, QUBIT Blockchain, and uses our Quantum Mesh Network™, QKD, and quantum repeaters to distribute quantum data securely. It also provides a secure, tamper-proof platform. Quantum Generation® is the world's first decentralized incentivized, satellite-based quantum community built by its members. Join visit

Generic FPV


Freestyle FPV drone flying, normally around Rugby & Coventry area. Been flying since april 2021. I fly a TBS Source One v5, with Caddx walksnail Avatar, and Tracer/ELRS and Mambo , GoPro Session 5 & 9 Become a huge lover of whoops as well, and just got a 3" Asbo X Only really get to fly at night, due to work & family but sneak odd flight in here and there in day light! Would love to meet other pilots so please get in touch! Find Me: Instagram Rumble Thingiverse 3D Prints on