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Wirepoints is an independent, nonprofit company delivering original research and commentary about Illinois’ economy and government. We have a particular focus on the Illinois state and local fiscal crises. We try to stick to policy, facts and numbers, not politics. Our research has been cited approvingly by The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Forbes, The Bond Buyer, Barron’s, RealClear, ZeroHedge, Crain’s Chicago Business, the Chicago Tribune and many others. We invite reporters and editorialists from all sources to do so and they are welcome to contact us (form below) for data and analysis. We also link to third party stories and research from all viewpoints. Our personal perspective is kept separate as commentary or in the right column. There, we don’t hide our viewpoint as fiscal realists. Wirepoints’ content contributors include contacts in government and business. We appreciate suggestions, tips and criticisms. We want this to be a place for independent thinkers who challenge orthodoxy with facts. We believe in relentlessly challenging current assumptions, and changing accordingly when they prove wrong. We’re not here to make any friends on the left or the right. We call things as we see them.