Le chemin vers la spiritualité

1 Follower

Cette chaîne accueillera des vidéos dont le contenu éveillera votre spiritualité. Nous ne sommes pas ici pour remettre en question le coran, la bible ou la torah car le but de cette chaîne est de trouver des réponses aux questions que l'on se pose. La foi de chacun appartient à chacun, ici le respect est de rigueur. Nous aurons également des vidéos sur la N.D.E ou E.M.I (expérience de mort imminente). N'hésitez pas à nous envoyer vos liens si vous souhaitez faire apparaitre votre vidéo... Paix à vous tous mes chers amis 🙏

Technology and computer engineering

1 Follower

This you tube channel is my attempt to give all the necessary knowledge about the computer engineering and programming. Here you get information about the programming languages, hacking and networking terms etc. This channel is my attempt to provide free knowledge about the programming languages and hacking. Python, Java, Ruby etc. programming languages and mongo db and sql injection are also discussed here. You get all the information in the video. So subscribe the channel and enjoy the learning. For bit size learning follow instagram page given in about section. So go and follow the page. For more queries contact us :- payme506@gmail.com

gow up on youube with Youtube Booster Infinity

1 Follower

Receive Get REAL SUBSCRIBERS with Youtube Booster! We work with TIKTOK, INSTAGRAM AND YOUTUBE! WE\'VE HELPED THOUSANDS OF SOCIAL NETWORKS, NOW IT\'S YOUR TURN! IF YOU NEED LARGER PACKAGES, CONTACT US! THE BEST PRICES ARE HERE! 85% OFF We are an agency that discloses and promotes your social networks! Every sale made on our website in one of our packages will be used to make campaigns to generate quality traffic from the main websites, take advantage of quality engagement and increase the number of subscribers through our services. Get discovered by millions of people. Promote your content with us and let us do the hard work for you, work with great marketers who have helped your social media grow process. Gain relevant reach and audiences to showcase your work and arts around the world. We will attract real people traffic to your networks and quality of service to your youtube, instagram and tiktok and much more...