Coolest Products Found

1 Follower

Welcome to Coolest Products Found, the next level of generation. We are committed to give short reviews and promote future technologies, new gadgets, innovations, and new inventions to you. You will get updated by staying with us and subscribing our channel. All videos we publish are either for educational purposes or news related to the latest technology. The purpose of this channel is to educate people about inventions, the latest technology, and top homemade inventions. Invention World is a YouTube channel that shows the latest- Gadgets, Inventions, Innovations, Kitchen appliances, Technology, New Tech, Inventions and Inventors, Science and Technology and MORE. All videos we publish for educational or news purposes. Subscribe to stay tuned..

Table Size Productions

1 Follower

"You love you, and Stalin and table size." -Google Translate 2017 Hello comrade! Welcome to Table Size Productions! This channel is dedicated to delivering semi-comedic (mostly) family friendly random content because frankly I'm stupid and have no clue how to structure a channel. Generic description text, generic description text, and more generic description text. You can find me on Steam @ (Note that if you want to add me please clarify in my profile's comment section that you want to friend me because of my channel as I tend to get random friend requests and I don't tend to accept those.)