1 Follower

L'anno 2020 segnerà la storia dell'umanità, sempre se l'umanità avrà ancora una storia. Questo canale nasce per combattere la "Nuova Dittatura" raccogliendo più possibile le informazioni, prove, verità e menzogne riguardante l'epocale INGANNO a livello MONDIALE messo in atto delle più grandi menti criminale che la storia ha mai conosciuto, cioè... I Massoni del "NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE". Nella speranza che il popolo del pianeta prenda coscienza delle verità sul fatto che questi Massoni vogliono sterminare una gran parte degli umani e schiavizzare il restante... nelle frattempo... noi... combattiamo per svegliare le menti più spente e se sarà necessario... combatteremo con le armi.. per difendere la nostra libertà e la salvezza del pianeta e dell'umanità liberi da OPPRESSORI.

Freedom From Fear

1 Follower

Freedom From Fear. My mission as CEO/Founder of F3Defense is to offer the best Training, Education, and provide every person with the most innovative less than lethal tools available on the market. My podcast Freedom from Fear will navigate through many topics that are at the forefront of today’s news. American Law Enforcement (how do we protect those who protect us) Crisis in America (Crime is out of control) Crime Prevention (How do you avoid becoming a victim) Less than Lethal defensive technology options (F3Defense Mobile Pepper Spray Deployment System) Honoring those who served protecting us. (Memorial to fallen officers)

The Freedom Friend Verified

1 Follower

Welcome to my Rumble channel! Freedom is a word that gets tossed around. Let\'s deep dive into what personal freedom and economic freedom really means for society. You\'ll find that they are the best solutions we\'ve got. Not perfect. But good. The solutions that lead to more love and care for our beautiful children and what can lift the most amount of people out of poverty, depression, and slavery globally. Too many people live their lives believing horrible lies. How do we shine the light on truths when the lies sound so convincing? On this channel, my videos explore freedom from all different angles. From central banking to education to rearing our children to economics to politics. Re-discover truths already known but hidden from the masses. Truths that will free and prosper individuals and diminish the overreaching powers of the small elite. I\'d love for you to subscribe to my channel. And make sure to hit that notification bell otherwise you won\'t get told about new videos!