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Expedition Zero Point: Ancient Advanced Technology-Megaliths To Modern Day


Our "Expedition Zero Point" Chapter series explores the mysteries of Ancient Civilizations and suppressed Free Energy Technologies, taking us on a journey to uncover the truths behind what Tesla referred to as Radiant Energy. We examine historical evidence of powerful Aether (Free Energy) technologies in action, tracing their influence from pre-civilization through to their impact on the modern world. For millennia, during specific cycles of time, highly advanced weapon systems have been used against humanity and the planet—this includes the current era we find ourselves in. We now have a unique opportunity to investigate directed energy technologies being deployed destructively in our time. Our goal with this carefully curated series is to bridge the ancient and modern worlds, offering an alternative view of the distant past while shedding light on the "psychological operations" shaping our present. By identifying and comparing these tactics, we are connecting the dots to reveal a recurring history of weather modification, geoengineering, and man-made warfare. View the Full Length Feature Here: https://vimeo.com/1047265228